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POV. Kelly

The jet lands on the London runaway. Max and I get of the plane. My hands are shaking. I'm going to meet my daughter now. For the first time in 15 years. I have absolutely no idea about any part of her life. What she likes to do, her favourite movie or what she likes to eat. Heck I don't even know what kind of person she has become.
Max takes my hand.
„Kelly it's going to be okay." he reassures me.

The emergency department door slides open in front of us and we walk in.
„Excuse me?" i ask walking up to the receptionist.
„Yes?" she asks. „I'm Kelly Piquet I'm supposed to come see my daughter. Lillian she's 15 if that helps." i explain.
„oh yes her doctor explained the situation to me. You can go see her now but we will have to take a dna test just to be sure." she explains.

„I understand." i say still shaking about the fact that in about a minute I will meet my daughter for the first time fifteen years later then I was supposed to.

„She's in Trauma room five." the woman explains with a smile and then turns back to her work.
Max and I make our way down the rooms 1 to 4 until I stop in front of room five. The curtains are drawn behind the slide glass doors.
„Do you want me to open the door or will you?" max gently pushes me to unfreeze after a minute.
„I got it thank you." i say. He strokes my back comforting as i knock and then slide the door open.
I draw the curtains to the side revealing a beautiful young girl. She's got my sharp nose and my dark brown hair.

I don't say anything. I'm frozen and I can't speak. What do I say to the girl that I left 15 years ago. I mean I was trying to protect her but obviously I failed.
She stares at me in shock anger crossing her eyes.

Max steps up and breaks the silence.
„Hey Lillian I'm max. And this is Kelly." he says walking up to her bed.
„I know who she is!" she says. Her voice is soft yet sharp.
I finally get my legs to move and take a step up to Lillian's bed.
„Hey..." i start with a unsteady voice.
She doesn't say anything but only looks at me.
Max sits down on one of the two chairs next to her bed. He motions for me to sit down too and so I do.
It stays quiet for a second.
"Lillian I'm so sorry that he died. I'm so sorry really. This must be so hard for you." i say.
„i guess, the man was a piece of shit father but I didn't wish him dead." she says.
„What? He was a..." I start repeating in disbelieve that I left my daughter with him.
„A piece of shit father? Yes! What? Do you think a good father would take his daughter driving drunk?" she says sarcastically and angry.
„I'm so sorry. I had no idea..." i say ashamed looking down.
„yeah because you weren't there!" she snaps.
„I-I-I thought..." i stutter overwhelmed.
„You thought what? You weren't there! He always said that you wanted nothing to do with me. That I disgusted you." she accuses.
„What? No!" i say fast. Why would he tell her something like that?
I can see the surprise in her face.
She really did believe she disgusted me all these years?
„No! It was the hardest decision i ever made. I thought I would be a bad mom to you! I thought I was protecting you!" explain.
„Protecting me? B giving me over to a junkie? By leaving me to an alcoholic?" she says.
„I didn't know Lillian. I couldn't have known. He promised me he'd take care of you. That he'd love you enough for the both of us!"
„Well his promises don't mean shit. The man never had an ounce of love left for me! And now you wanna pretend you didn't know? You literally got pregnant by the man, you must have known him! So I don't believe any of your crap!" she says leaning back in her bed.
„Lillian I'm so..." i try and say.
„Sorry? You weren't there! sorry doesn't undo that!" she shouts.
„Okay Lillian calm down! You don't need to yell at her!" max steps in.
„It's okay max. She has a right so be mad." i stop him.
He takes my hand and all three of us sit there in silence.
What did I expect that she'd be happy to see me? I was never there!

the daugher of F1 (Max Verstappen and Kelly piquet daughter)Where stories live. Discover now