Part 7 | doubleganger

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*Minho POV*

I was thinking, what if my dream becomes real? I read somewhere that if you remember your dreams then they were a message. Maybe they do want to catch wolves like me. Ughh what should I do? I do trust them enough to tell them that I'm a wolf, a white wolf. But what if they don't act like my dream?


I mean what if they send me to basement and actually be scared of me?


And What if-


"Huh yeah what yes what happened?", I said confused looking left and right.

Seungmin laughed and said:" We just wanted to ask what you're thinking about"

"Oh, uhmm nothing much important don't worry", I smiled at them.

"Hannie hyungie? Do you want some cheesecake?", I asked him when he looked at me.

"Cheesecake? Ew... no thanks though", he said.

I looked at him with obvious schock. Is that the real Han Jisung or I'm hallucinating?

I'll just shrug it. Maybe he just isn't in the mood to eat some.

But he freaking said 'Eww'

Damn it. Ok it's nothing maybe he's just ate a lot of cheesecake and now he just can't eat it.

Or maybe he's just ate a lot of my yummy special pancakes and is full.

Anyway, I decided to shrug it altough it still was a bit odd. (Btw I read the whole story again and I don't remember saying this. But SKZ are all mafias. I think I've said this somewhere but if I didn't now you know.)


We were watching a movie, a horror one. AND I AM TERRIFIED

I hate horror movies, and we're watching M3GAN. (I've only watched some random episodes in tiktok y'know, but its hella scary to me)

"Hyung~ can't we just watch a cute fluff movie?", I asked.

"Why Min? You scared?", Jeongin said in a a teasing tone.

I pouted but nodded. "It's ok, you can hide yourself in my chest if you're scared.", I slowly nodded even though I wished he'd be convinced to not watch a horror movie.

In the middle of the movie, my phone rang. So I just excused myself and looked at the phone ID it as Changbin paused to movie.

"It's unknown", I said with a shaky voice and saw Jisung grinning from the corner of my eye. "Put it on speaker.", Felix said with a stern tone.

I did as told. "Hello?"

"Is this Lee Minho?"


"Hmm, is Han Jisung with you?"

I looked at Jisung, "Y-yes"

"Wrong", Jisung and the caller answered at the same time.

"MINHO HANG THE FUCKING PHONE UP!!! RUN WITH THE OTHERS!! JUST GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!!! THAT'S NOT ME!!! IT'S A DOUBLEGAN-", Jisung's voice screamed through the phone in our side as the caller hung up.

I quickly turned my location off and ran with the others outside. Thankfully they were so quick that they brought some snacks and guns.

"So now, Jisung's kidnapped and we have... had his doubleganger with us?", Felix said panting. We still were running towards the car and Jisung's doubleganger was walking slowly behind us.

Changbin started the car and we all sighed in reliefe to see Jisung wasn't in the car but was looking at us fading away.

"Oh, guys turn off your locations in your phones", I said and they did as told.

"I'm freaking out", I said panting heavily, "First m3gan, then the caller with no ID and then Jisung's doubleganger. What's happening?"

"Hey Min! Shh breath... in.. out.. in.. out... good", Chan tried to calm me down and it worked a little.

"We're gonna find a way out of this", Hyunjin said, "Just remember, if they kidnapped Jisung and sent a doubleganger over, they might kidnap any of us and send a doubleganger over. So if anybody acted strange and not usuall, kill him or run, ok?", everyone nodded.

"And we won't joke about this. It's a serious situation and if you joke... I just don't want to lose anyone ok?", Chan said.

"What about Jisung?", I asked.

"We'll find him... somehow"


Dammit I got scared myself....

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