chapter thirty three

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song: back to december - taylor swift

I decided to take a nap after showering and woke up to a pillow being thrown at my face.

"Why are you always so violent towards me?" I asked the question to no one in particular considering that my eyes were still closed.

It didn't really matter though since all of the Fisher's and Conklin's happened to be this way. "It's time to wake up sleeping beauty." Conrad declared, throwing another pillow.

"Where did you get all these from?" I asked with a laugh as he threw yet another pillow at me. "A magician never reveals his secrets." He smirked as I finally got up from the bed.

"You're right except you're not a magician and I'm pretty sure I know all of your secrets." I retorted, giving him a knowing look.

"Not this one, clearly." He chuckled as we made our way down the stairs. I was hit with the sight of an empty kitchen with threw me into a loop. This might be one of the last days we get to spend here. "Yeah we're going to need supplies." Conrad started after noticing me staring at the room.

"You're telling me.." I began but my voice drifted as I looked through the glass doors to see Belly and Jeremiah swimming in the pool alone.

I sucked in a breath as I was hit with deja vu once again.

They were laying on floaties just opposite of each other. "Should we ask Jere and Belly to come with us?" The words came out faster than I could stop them. "Yeah, I mean yeah." Conrad sounded distracted and I turned to see him eyeing the same sight.

Conrad was in love with Belly, that, itself, was obvious to anyone. They were meant for eachother and in a perfect world we'd all be happy...and Susannah would still be here.


"So beer, tequila, vodka.." I began listing the drinks.

"Oh and gin for Skye." Jeremiah mentioned turning back to look at me. "Who drinks gin?" I questioned, tilting my head.

"Old people and Skye." I stifled a laugh at Conrad's response. "I'll take care of this guys." Conrad said, holding up a fake ID.

I leaned over whispering to Belly, "Twenty bucks he's coming back empty handed."

"For our sake I hope you're wrong." The girl answered. After a few minutes, Conrad came back clearly embarrassed. I winked at Belly as she rolled her eyes, handing me a twenty.

"Look I don't even need none of that." Jeremiah said, getting out of the car.

"This one's for you baby!" He said pointing a finger at me before running inside the store.

"He's not coming back with anything is he." I told the other two with a sigh. "Yep." They said at the same time.

I laughed out loud as Jeremiah walked back to the car with a pout on his face. "We could hop a few towns over, where no one knows us as well." Conrad suggested, turning to look at us.

"I just don't think anyone's going to buy your Guam ID." I joked, leaning closer to the brunette. "Yeah well I would love to hear your plan Brianna." Conrad said, using my full name. "Watch and learn boys." I winked at the two before making my way out of the car.

"Like that's going to work." The two yelled behind me.

"Don't doubt a girl's abilities." Belly told the two as I entered the store.

A tall guy at the counter caught my attention and I walked over. "Hi Jumper!" I greeted with a bright smile on my face. "Brianna Adler, I'm guessing you're here for the same reason as the last two." He raised an eyebrow causing me to give him a sheepish look.

"Look it's been a really crappy six weeks.." I began slowly, looking down. "Yeah, I heard about their mom passing. I'm really sorry." He met my gaze.

"Yeah and I'm sure you heard the house just uhm sold. So tonight is our last time here for like ever." I drifted off casting my gaze to the side.

"Wow that blows." He replied. "Yeah it really does. Look Jump, have you ever just had like the shittiest day and all you want to do is drink a beer with your friend?" I questioned and a smile formed on my lips as I noticed him sigh.

"Yeah." He answered. I pulled out my card, handing it to him as he swiped it, charging me for the alcohol.


"No fucking way." Jeremiah said annoyed as I walked over with Jumper with a cart full of alcohol.

The boy left the cart saying his goodbyes and that he'd see us later before leaving.

I handed the slushie I had gotten for my boyfriend as I sipped on mine. "None for us?" Belly questioned with a frown. "My hands were full." I shrugged, making my way back inside the car.

"Boyfriend privileges." Jeremiah joked as we made our way to buy things for the party.


I was currently running around the party store trying to fill up my cart as quick as possible.

Jeremiah had declared who ever was the last one to fill a cart would have to load it in and that was the last thing I wanted to do.

"Do we really need that?" My boyfriend asked as I turned to him. He motioned to the large inflatable crown that was placed on my head. "Of course we do. What's more retro than royalty?" I winked, taking off the crown and putting it into the cart.

"You are very right, my apologies your royal highness." The boy bowed, making me laugh. "Anyways babe, I can't help but notice your cart was empty?" I pointed to his cart.

"Yeah, so I can do this." He said mischievously as he quickly grabbed me and place me into his cart, pushing me away.

I laughed as he pushed me through different aisles and I grabbed almost everything I could, tossing it along with me.

Suddenly the cart jolted, tostling me forward.

"Hey why did we?' I asked confused, before turning to look at Conrad and Belly who were now in front of us. It looked like they were having an intense conversation and I turned to look back at my boyfriend who was staring at them.

Why did he stop us in front of them?

I felt myself getting uncomfortable so I got out of the cart, taking a few steps back. "I'm going to get our other cart.." I said quietly, leaving the three but Jeremiah didn't even seem to notice.

Why did Jeremiah feel the need to interrupt every moment Conrad had with Belly?

It was starting to build an uneasy feeling in my stomach and I had no idea what to do. After a few more minutes we all decided to go pay and head back to the house.


"Woah, why aren't the boys helping you with this stuff?" Taylor asked as Belly and I walked in, carrying the boxes of alcohol.

"Jere's in the garage and Conrad is unloading the rest of the party supplies." Belly told the two as she placed the bags of clothing, that she was also holding, on the table.

"I'm so excited." I squealed as I grabbed my outfit from the bag.

It was perfect. I loved it and I knew Jeremiah would too.

"That is so retro babes, you're going to look so hot." Taylor said as she looked at my outfit that I held against my chest. "Okay wait so you have to part your teeth right?" Skye asked making me look at them confused.

"When you kiss someone." They said catching me and Belly up. "You want to kiss someone." I said slowly, wiggling my eyebrows. "Maybe." Skye replied, making Belly and I jump up and down as we immediately began helping them on the topic.


It was now officially time for the party and I sat, starting to get ready for the incredible night to come.

word count: 1346
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