chapter twenty two

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song: king of my heart - taylor swift

"I'm being serious!" I laughed into the phone as I began to put away my laundry.

"Well I don't believe you." Steven's annoying voice rang through my phone. "Whatever and uhm hey has Jere talked to you recently?" I bit my lip as I slowly stopped what I was doing.

"No, not recently. Why?" A sigh left my lips at his response. "Awh is little BriBri worried about her precious boyfriend?" He teased through the phone, making kissing noises.

I rolled my eyes as I began to play with the ring on left hand.

"One never call me that again and two for the record yes I am." I replied seriously. "Bri he's probably fine. Call him." Steven instructed, I moved back taking a seat on my bed.

"I will."

"Like right now." He added, laughter evident in his tone.

"But I'm on call with you what do you-" My jaw dropped as I heard the familiar beeping sound, signaling that Steven had just ended the call.

"Ass." I groaned as I flopped back on my bed. I brought my phone up to my view and began dialing Jeremiah's number. It didn't even hit two rings before the boy answered.

"Bri. Hey, what's up?" His voice was enough to make everyone bone in my body go rigid in the best way possible. "Jere are you okay? I haven't heard from you in a few days so I was starting to get worried." I admitted, spinning the ring on my finger with my thumb.

"Fuck Bri. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disappear on you like that. It's just, I don't know, something is wrong." Jeremiah rambled, I could tell he was stressed.

"What's going on?" I replied quickly.

"It's Conrad. He's gone." My body jolted as I immediately sat up on my bed.

"What do you mean gone?" As much as I was pained to say it, I can't remember the last time I talked to Conrad.

After Susannah passed away, I found myself helping Jere with the medical bills and sorting out everything for the funeral that I rarely spoke to Conrad.

"He hasn't been answering any of my texts or calls." I shut my eyes tightly, trying to find solutions to the growing problem. "Reign. What about Reign, have you asked him?" My brother was Conrad's roommate at Brown, he must have had to know something.

"Yeah. He was actually the one to tell me that Conrad mentioned something about everything being fucked and then just leaving. I'm going to Brown in a few-"

"I'm coming with you." I cut him off as I stood up beginning to pack my bag.

"Your parents-"

"Are in Bali for their couples retreat and have no way of finding out that I'm gone." I laughed, shoving a few day's worth of clothes in a duffle bag.

"You must really like cutting me off, don't you?" A smile graced my lips as I finally noticed his tone getting more lighthearted.

"I love it. Now are you going to come and get me?" I questioned, zipping up my bag. "Always, I love you."

Just like that I melted. "I love you more."


Only an hour had passed when I heard a honk coming from outside.

I grabbed my stuff and made sure to lock the house before I made my way to Jeremiah's car. He got down and ran over to greet me.

"I missed you." He whispered as he wrapped his hands around my waist, lifting me slightly. "I missed you too Jere." Even after putting me down, I couldn't hide the smile that was still on my face.

He opened the door for me as I got in and he ran back over to his side. "By the way, Belly called and she's coming with." My face immediately shifted to look worried.

"How is she holding up?" I asked carefully as Jeremiah began to drive off.

It had only been a little more than a month since the two broke it off, very publicly at that.

"She sounded alright, I'm still not too sure." I leaned back, resting my head against the seat of the car. "Yeah..well I guess we'll find out soon enough." I replied, turning to look out the window. It would be another forty five minutes from Hudsons to Providence, where Conrad and Reign were currently attending school.

My thoughts came to a halt when I felt Jeremiah's hand intertwine with mine. After all this time, he still found ways to give me butterflies. Even if it was only for a little white, I felt myself calm down despite the growing issue.

Where was Conrad and how was Belly going to react when we found him?


"Hey Jeremiah, Brianna!" I immediately turned around and grinned once I noticed Belly coming our way.

"Bells!" I met her half way, giving her a hug. "Oh before I forget, here." Belly said passing me a coffee cup. "You're a dream." I groaned, taking a sip out of the cup.

"Well it's a good thing you're here though cause we don't know what floor he's on or what room he's in." Jeremiah began as we made our way to one of the residence halls.

"I don't either, I mean I know he's on the top floor, but that's it." Belly said shyly, playing with the cup in her hand.

"You never visited him at Brown?" Jeremiah pressed causing me to bump his shoulder. "It's alright Belly. I'm sure they have signs, if not I can just call Reign." I reassured her, taking initiative and deciding to walk into the building first.


"So this is it?" Belly said quietly from beside me. "I guess so." I whispered as I knocked twice. The door opened wider, signaling it was never closed in the first place.

"Reign?" I asked before walking inside the room.

Nothing seemed too out of place, it seemed like a typical college boy's room. "So do you guys just go barging into random people's room or?" I rolled my eyes and turned to meet the guy who I was unfortunately related to.

"You're my brother, I can barge into your room whenever I want to." I retorted, crossing my arms.

A grin lit up his face as he walked over, pulling me into a hug. I hadn't seen Reign since Christmas and as much as I hated to admit it, I missed him. "Good to see you too Bri." The peace only lasted for a few seconds before he pulled me away from him scanning my face.

It was almost as if he just realized I was actually there, accompanied by Belly and Jeremiah. "What the hell are you three doing here?" Reign said, surprise clear in his voice.

word count: 1159
Thank you guys sm for reading! I can't wait to start posting again! Don't forget to leave a vote/comment!🤍

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