Bela: like me, but in my case even mahir doesn't know to cook, its you.

Sumi: who told you that you don't know cooking? The potato fries were very good

Bela(smiles): no one except you considers potato fry as a dish. Why don't you teach me cooking aunty..

Sumi: why beta, you don't like my cooking??

Bela: i love it, but still i don't want to make you look bad before the other.

Sumi: what is wrong if you don't know cooking? You are very well educated, you are earning now, do they have such a bahu??

Bela(smiles and hugs her): next life I'll marry you only..( sumi's face turns pale).... I... I meant it as a compliment aunty,  even mahir is a good guy but cooking isn't his area(tries to joke)

Sumi: you go and take rest, you get off only two days a week.. go go

Bela: and i want to cook for you those two days,  and this is an order.

Sumi: then i have to do it....

Bela: Aunty (pauses to reaffirm herself)... Mahir didn't (wanted to say that he didn't hit her other day but sumi cuts her)

Sumi: go wash those vegetables and let us cut before guests arrive (sumi is not ready to hear about mahir)

They continue their chit chat... And cooking


It was a quite a quite afternoon until Vish entered

Vish(shouts loud): maa....maa...

Sumi: What happened Vish? What do you need now?

Vish: maaa.. Did you see outside?

Sumi: Why, what's happening?

Vish: maa Mahir has got me a car as wedding gift, what does he think of himself? I am not taking that, ....

Sumi: Car?

Bela(takes a look through window) : Color looks really good Di, and looks very stylish

Vish: Good, because you will have it, I'm not getting it. Do you know how costly it is? Did he take a loan?

Bela: Why are you thinking about that di, he wants to express his love that way. You know him, he buys crazy things for people he loves. And, i'm sure he wont tell you that he will miss you, but this is how he expresses. Please don't say no to him.

Vish(smiles): So you know this much about your husband haan!!

Bela: Diiii... I am done being the new bride, now its your turn. It now my turn to pull you, and I heard about the French honeymoon plan... (Vish shoo's)

Vish: Tu naa...   Ok maa, Im going to parlor, Mahi is waiting down, he will drop me and come, ask him to collect my jewels and dresses... ok.... bye bye

Sumi: Don't wander, call him once you are done there ( Vish swiftly moves)

Sumi: Bela, Can you go with him and collect the jewels, and dresses from tailor?

Bela: haan aunty, even I have to get mine.

................Behir room............

Bela was waiting for Mahir to come back, she wanted to bury their differences atleast for the moment. She heard two knocks on the door and smiled

Bela(smiles at Mahir):

Mahir: Kya??

Bela: speak of the devil

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