Chapter 1

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I'm referring to parent(s) as gender neutral

It was your first day of high school. Finally, you're done with the hell hole that middle school was. You felt more mature. Like a grownup. When I'm all reality you were still the immature kid you always were.

You could change the wording to fit you btw!

You got out of your bed and put on (you're choice).

It may have been dorky, but that didn't matter.

You came to the dining room to see your parent(s) sitting at the table.

They motioned you to come forward for a kiss on the cheek and you gave it, as you put you're backpack on.

You walked out of the door to (your choice of transportation).

Once you arrived at school, you're friend came up to you excitedly, almost jumping.

"First day of high school!!"

"Someone's excited, eh?" You responded chucking a bit at F/N's response.

"Of course I am!" F/N said.

You two walked to your lockers, they were kinda far away but you could still see each other.

You put your random shit in your locker and noticed three doors down your middle school bully Micheal.

you're appearance had changed so much from then he probably didn't even recognize you; which was a relief really.

He slammed is locker, trying to look cool but just being obnoxious. He then scowled at you.

He scoffed, almost acting like he had just met you. Which.. he really thought he had. He had no idea it was you. The one he tormented. The dork he knew and "loved".

You had felt a completely different energy. It was almost like he was being rude because he was flustered. Who knows what that was. But it was strange to say the least.

301 words😱😱

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