The Cave/What you are

Start from the beginning

Marko, Paul, and Dwayne: Micheal. James. Micheal. James.

Star: Don't, you don't have to, Micheal. It's blood.

Mike: Yeah, sure. Blood.

He took a drink and the bikers cheered for him. Mike gave the bottle to James. 

Sarah: James, please don't

Sarah pleaded him, but it did no good, James took a drink from the bottle and the bikers cheered for him as well. Star, Sarah, and Laddie backed away from the group. For the next hour or so, Micheal and James drank from that bottle. 

Paul: You guys are one of us now. Let the good times roll.

David told the brothers, Dwayne, Marko, and Paul to mount up. They drove to a train bridge that hung over a canyon. They got off their bikes and walked on the train bridge.

David: Perfect timing.

James: What's going on?

David smirked.

David: Marko, James wants to know what's going on.

Marko: I don't know, what's going on Paul?

Paul: Who wants to know?

Dwayne: James wants to know.

They stopped in the middle of the bridge.

David: Marko?

Marko: Night boys. Bombs away!

He jumped off the bridge. Paul was next.

Paul: Bottoms up guys.

He jumped off and Dwayne jumped off without saying anything.

David: Come with us.

He jumped off the bridge. James and Mike looked over the side to see the gang of bikers hanging from the bridge. The bikers were hooting and hollering.

David: James! Micheal! Come on down!

The brothers looked at each and shrugged and climbed down to hang with the bikers.

David: Fun, huh?

All of a sudden the tracks started shaking violently, a train started passing over them.

David: Hold on!

All of a sudden, Paul let go of the tracks and fell into the canyon below, follow by Dwayne.

Marko: Don't be scared boys!

And Marko let go and fell as well.

David: Let go!

Mike: And do what?!

David: You guys are one of us! Let go!

David let go and fell.

James: David!

The train passed, James and Mike tried to pull themselves up but couldn't. They heard the bikers chanting for them, telling them to let go. They also heard David's voice echoing in their head.

David: Micheal. James.

James and Micheal looked at each other, and they let go of the track fell into the canyon. Everything went black. James woke up to Mike and Sam shaking him, he slowly sat up and rubbed his head, he had such a pounding headache.

James: What time is it?

Sam: It's two in the afternoon.

Mike: Mom said we have to watch Sam tonight, and we can't go to the boardwalk. She's going on a date with that  guy who owns that video store, Max.

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