Welcome to Santa Carla/The Mysterious Girls

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Sam: Come on Nanook.

Nanook barked and jumped out of the car, he started running chasing the horses, thinking he was a farm dog. Lucy looked at the house, she saw someone laying on the porch. Lucy ran to the porch to find her dad laying down, she shook him lightly.

Lucy: Dad? Dad? Dad?

The boys looked down at their grandpa.

Micheal: Looks like he's dead.

Lucy: No, he's just a deep sleeper.

Sam: If he's dead can we go back to Pheonix?

Lucy gave Sam an annoyed look while James gave him a smack on the back of the head. Grandpa lifted his head up and smirked.

Grandpa: Playin' dead, and from I'm hearing, doin' a damn good job of it to.

Lucy: Oh dad!

They helped Grandpa up and grabbed boxes from the car. Mike grabbed his weight bar with stuff hanging from it, Sam grabbed a few boxes, and James grabbed a couple of boxes. When they entered the house, it really did look like a log cabin at a camp or a lake. Mike looked around and nodded.

Mike: This place is kind of cool.

Sam: Yeah, for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Mike: Come on Sam, give mom a break.

Sam: Do you guys see what's wrong here? There's no TV. I don't see a TV. James, do you see a TV? Mike, do you see a TV? I don't see a TV guys. You guys know what that means when there's no TV? No MTV.

James: Sammy, we're flat broke. Give it time buddy.

After bringing in the rest of the stuff from the car, the kids picked their rooms. James started hanging up his posters of his favorite bands, mostly KISS. He set his guitar in the corner of his room, and even his little collectables. He went downstairs and sat on the couch. Just then, Mike and Sam started running through the house, with Mike chasing after Sam. Once they ran passed James, he decided to join the chase. Lucy walked through the living room with stuff in her hand.

Sam: Mom you got to help me!

Lucy: Soon. Hey guys no running in the house!

Sam opened up a door to revile a bunch of dead animals, it was Grandpa's taxidermy room.

Mike: Talk about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Sam laughed but stopped when Grandpa cleared his throat.

Grandpa: Rules! We got rules around here.

He led the kids to the kitchen, he opened the fridge, the second shelf had "Old Fart" written on it. James knew that it was Grandpa's shelf, obviously.

Grandpa: Second shelf is mine. That's where I keep all my root beer and my double thick Oreo cookies. Nobody touches the second shelf but me.

As Grandpa was explaining more rules, Mike grabbed his brother's attention, he points out the window and pointed at the plants. He made a smoking gesture. The three laughed silently as they followed Grandpa into the living room. Before Grandpa can mention another rule, James started to talk.

James: Hey Grandpa, is it true that Santa Carla is the murder capital of the world?

Grandpa: Well, there are some bad elements around her. Let me put it this way, if all the corpses were to stand up all at once here, we'd have one hell of a population problem.

Lucy: Great dad.

He went to his taxidermy room and started to close the door.

Grandpa: And stay out of here!

The Lost Boys (A OC Insert)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon