
Buffy is about to enter the school when-

"Buffy." Riley says coming to join her.


"I couldn't let you go alone." Riley says.

"Thanks." Buffy says. "I'm glad you came."

Riley nods and the two head inside.

The pair enters the old decrepit high school. The halls nothing but ruins accented with pieces of the mayors body. They continue down the silent hallways one of Giles' battle axes in Buffy's hand.

"You really went to school here?" Riley asks.

"Oh yeah and trust me it didn't look too great before the remodel anyway." Buffy says.

Riley chuckles slightly.

"Listen, Riley about what I said earlier...I was only-" Buffy starts.

Riley stops her. "It's okay, I'm just here to help."

"Right." Buffy says. They both look at each other a moment, eyes saying more then they should.

They continue until they reach the main auditorium, the room above the hellmouth and who is waiting for them there?


Octavia sits at the edge of the stage as Buffy slowly walks down the main aisle, Riley covering her back.

"Oh you made it I'm so thrilled." Octavia says.

Then she notices Riley in his camouflage gear. "And you're in bed with the commandos? I hope its not literally, Buffy, even I know you can do better." Octavia taunts.

"Shut up, Octavia!" Buffy says. "I'll give you a minute to explain what you're doing here."

"Didn't you know I would be here? That's why you came isn't it?" Octavia says. "Put the weapon down, Buffy. I just want to talk."

Octavia grins.

Giles and Willow go through ancient texts while Xander paces around.

"The ritual of three, I've went over this with the initiative, the assassins, I'm sure Octavia doesn't have the capacity." Giles says pondering.

"Bones of an ancient? What classifies as an ancient?" Willow asks.

"See I'm no use to you guys. With the initiative I can be useful, get a nice career going." Xander says.

Willow and Giles ignore him.

"Right yes the bones of an ancient. Could be an ancient vampire or demon." Giles says.

"Then I'll get new military friends and we'll still see each other I'm sure. You know when we have supernatural conferences and so on." Xander says.

Knock Knock!

"Xander get the door please." Giles says.

"Right, see I'm just the doorman of this group." Xander says.

"Would Olmec be considered an ancient?" Willow asks not wanting to know the answer.

Giles turn sharply to her and snatches an ancient book. "Yes, he could be." Giles says furiously flipping pages.

Xander opens the door to Spike.

"Spike?" Xander says.

Giles and Willow turn towards the door.

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