Our song

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Intro:your name is lilah  your 18 Hardin is 19 you've known Hardin since you were kids but you've been dating for a year and currently your riding in his car
I'm sitting in hardins car with the windows down so my hair is blowing in the wind
I look down at me wearing hardins t shirt and some random shorts I found in my closet
Since we had just gotten in the car after a school day
We're sitting in the car blaring music when I start to look down at the floor and fidget with his fingers since his hand is on my knee
Hardin:hey babe is everything Ok
I just nod quickly
Hardin:I know your lying what's wrong
Lilah:it's stupid
Hardin:no it's not tell me
Lilah:just thinking about how most of our friends and their partners have a song but what about us
I look our the window seeing many cars and motorcycles go by
Hardin:we have noises that are like songs to us
Lilah:like what
Hardin:our noises that make a song are the fighting and slamming doors or me staying up late tapping on your window to see you or me complaining that I miss you or asking you to come over
Lilah:I guess your right
Hardin:well we're at your house now
I kiss his cheek as a goodbye and walk out
I woke up from my nap to see flowers on my dresser and a few chocolate cookies
I almost didn't notice the song lyrics on my nightstand that he wrote for me
I smile at this and call him
Start of call
Hardin:hey I'm assuming you got everything
Lilah:thank you Hardin seriously it means a lot you'd do this for me
Hardin:I love you lilah

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