"Ok, Ciss."

Regulus sat silently with the two witches for the first hour of the journey, looking out the window and absentmindedly scratching his dark mark. He sneaked glances at Juliet, she looked healthy, and almost happy. When Arabella left the carriage, she turned to him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Hi, Reg."

He stifled a sob and buried his head into her shoulder, "Hey, Jules."

"You alright? Was summer okay?"

"Yeah, it was fine," he said quietly. "Hard, without you."

She inhaled sharply, "I'm sorry."

"I'm glad you're happy."

"What was said about me?"

He shrugged, "actually, not a lot. I don't think you're at the forefront of the Dark Lord's mind, currently. Carrow was captured, the order are getting stronger."

"Yeah, I heard."

"Obviously there's been whispers about you, from our lot mainly. Nathaniel said something, too. But currently, you're okay," he breathed.

"Are we all back?"

He shook his head, "Evan and Caius aren't. It's only me and Barty. Ophelia is, as has Persephone, they're a few carriages down."

"Should I see them?"

"Persephone missed you, I think. Ophelia has been quiet. She accompanied Lucius and Carrow on that mission, froze before the aurors turned up apparently."

She sighed at that, unsure what to think.

"Is Bella okay?"

Juliet smiled, "she is."

"My parents did tell me our engagement is off," he said awkwardly. "But I'm guessing that's what you wanted."

She said nothing to that, grateful for Arabella coming back into the carriage, she nodded politely at Regulus.

"Only Crouch is back from the boys," Juliet said to her. "Ophelia and Pen are here, though."

Her friend nodded, "just saw them. Penny gave me a hug, Ophelia was in her own little world."

"You have my protection," Regulus said suddenly. "Both of you, while you're here."

Juliet smiled sadly and Arabella looked at the boy, surprised, "thank you, Regulus."

"Some of the younger Slytherins have joined us, with the mark, I mean. Carrow's daughter, she's two years below us. One of Rabastan's cousins as well. They may give you trouble. But you have my utter protection, here."

"They won't mess with head girl," Juliet joked weakly. "Merlin, I'm supposed to be meeting Colin."

Colin and her settled into an easy relationship of head boy and girl, and, perhaps it was because of the segregation because of the war, but there were so few Slytherin and Gryffindor altercations that Juliet Romilly almost felt that she was doing an excellent job.

Or perhaps it was just because the marauders had left.

Since they were in charge, she never patrolled, Slytherins and Gryffindors never patrolled together, and she was set to get top grades in her NEWTs. Beyond the strange ease of Hogwarts, was the pain of missing her friends, which she knew Arabella was understanding all too well. They hadn't seen the marauders, or Lily or Marlene since June, when they had left for the safe house. Lily had written, explaining that their wedding would be on New Years Day, they had both gratefully accepted the invitation, and Juliet had arranged with Dumbledore that members of the order would apparate them from Hogwarts, and then back afterwards. 

At least they had that to look forward to.

A/N Hello hello hello. a short filler chapter. i am really enjoying writing atm, as you can probs tell!! hopefully this return is more permanent! i have the entirety of this book planned out and it is gonna be so long, so hopefully the motivation is retained! i know so fewer people read this now compared to when i started TWO YEARS AGO but i am so grateful to those who do <3

a QUESTION for those who have reread or have read from the start recently, since i have literally been writing this over two years, does it still feel coherent? is it making sense? does it feel natural with remus and juliet?

i gave it a quick re read last week, and i think my writing has deffo improved, some parts of the early chapters don't make much sense, but as the plot thickens, im trying to keep it as coherent as possible, but as it has been written over two years (which is mental) i can never really tell.

I love u all

saff x 

JULIET {remus lupin}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum