Last True Knight & Pleas

Start from the beginning

Barristan hesitated before removing his helmet.

"You have served the Realm long and faithfully. Every man and woman in the Seven Kingdoms owes you thanks. But it is time to put aside your armor and your sword. It is time to rest and look back with pride on your many years of service.

More murmuring was heard from the others present while Barristan looked confused.

"Your Grace, the Kingsguard is a sworn brotherhood. Our vows are taken for life. Only death relieves us of our sacred trust."

"Whose death, Ser Barristan? Yours, or your king's?" Cersei asked.

Barristan looked insulted.

"You let my father die. You're too old to protect anybody."

"Your Grace -"

"The Council has determined that Ser Jaime Lannister will take your place as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard." Cersei announced.

"Of course," Aelinor muttered under her breath, earning a brief look from her mother and brother.

Barristan looked even more insulted.

"The man who profaned his blade with the blood of the king he had sworn to defend!"

"Careful, Ser." Cersei muttered, threateningly.

"We have nothing but gratitude for your long service, good ser." Varys said.

Barristan shifted his gaze to Varys, still looking insulted.

"You shall be given a stout keep beside the sea, with servants to look after your every need." Varys informed him.

"A hall to die in and men to bury me." He forcefully removed his cape. "I am a knight! I shall die a knight!" He threw his cape, helmet, and gloves at the foot of the Iron Throne.

Sansa looked on, a mournful look on her face.

"A naked knight, apparently..." Littlefinger muttered aloud, causing the court to laugh, including Janos Slynt. He did not however see the glare Princess Aelinor sent him for this comment.

This was clearly the last straw for Ser Barristan, who angrily drew his sword and pointed it at Joffrey. The remaining Kingsguards drew their swords as well and pointed them at Ser Barristan.

"Even now I could cut through the five of you like carving a cake!" Barristan told the remaining Kingsguards.

There was tense silence in the room. All eyes were on Barristan, and several Gold Cloaks, including Janos, had their hands on their swords now too.

"Here, boy!" He threw his sword at the foot of the Iron Throne. "Melt it down and add it to the others!"

Barristan made his way to storm out of the throne room. The crowd parted, letting him pass as he left, the other Kingsguards finally sheathing their swords.

"Ser Barristan, wait!" The man paused at the door upon hearing the voice of Princess Aelinor.

He turned around to see the young woman rushing towards him.

Once she was in front of him, she pulled him into a hug.

The entire court was now watching the interaction.

"I know it wasn't your fault. You've served our family honourably my entire life. May the Gods have mercy on us all. You were the last true knight we had."

She hugged him again, only this time he returned it.

"Goodbye Ser Barristan. Perhaps we will meet again one day."

"Princess," he bowed his head, before finally exiting the throne room.

When she turned back, she could see the anger on her brother's face.

Her mother also did not look happy, though no where near as much as her brother. Cersei motioned for the palace steward to continue.

"If any man in this hall has other matters to set before His Grace, let him speak now or go forth and hold his silence."

Sansa and Cersei briefly met each others' eyes.

"Your Grace?"

"Come forward, My Lady."

Sansa slowly came forward and stood in front of the Iron Throne. She did not miss the foul looks that were sent her way.

"The Lady Sansa of House Stark." The royal steward announced.

"Do you have some business for the King and the Council, Sansa?" Cersei asked.

"I do." She knelt. ""As it please, Your Grace, I ask mercy for my father, Lord Eddard Stark, who was Hand of the King."

"Treason is a noxious weed." Maestar Pycelle began, causing Sansa to glance worriedly at him. "It should be torn out, root -"

"Let her speak. I want to hear what she says." Joffrey interrupted, clearly irritated.

"Thank you, Your Grace."

"Do you deny your father's crime?" Littlefinger asked.

"No, My Lords. I know he must be punished. All I ask is mercy. I know My Lord father must regret what he did. He was King Robert's friend and he loved him; you all know he loved him."

Cersei appeared to be deep in thought as Sansa continued to plead with Joffrey.

"He nevr wanted to be Hand until the King asked him. They must have lied to him. Lord Renly or Lord Stannis or somebody. They must have lied!"

"He said I wasn't the King. Why did he say that?"

Aelinor stood straighter beside him. She knew why.

"He was badly hurt. Maester Pycelle was giving him milk of the poppy." Sansa told him.

Joffrey glanced at Pycelle who had a look on his face where he looked slightly guilty if this was indeed the reason.

"He wasn't himself. Otherwise he nevr would have said it."

There was a pause as Joffrey pondered the possibility.

"A child's faith....such sweet innocence. And yet they say wisdom oft comes from the mouths of babes." Varys spoke.

"Treason is treason!"

Sansa glanced back at Maestar Pycelle, who looked at her suspiciously.

"Anything else?" Joffrey asked.

"If you still have any affection in your heart for me, please do me this kindness, Your Grace." Sansa finished, nervously.

Joffrey seemed to consider this for a moment as his mother glancesd at him expectantly. SANSA waits with a nervous look on her face.]

"Your sweet words have moved me. But your father has to confess. He has to confess and say that I'm the King...or there'll be no mercy for him."

"He will."

Aelinor could only pray that would be enough for her wretched, bloodthirsty brother.

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