Chapter 1: A chance to escape

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Its a pretty dull day outside. Our protagonist was inside the library, putting away books

 Our protagonist was inside the library, putting away books

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He has been working in the library for five years straight. Haruka has been doing fine

His financials are doing fine, he isn't a big money spender

His apartment is good, very nice as well and its close to the library.... But its just one small thing

He accidentally moved in next to his best childhood friend's house. And ever since they found out that it was him, they spend almost all their time with Haruka

Speaking of which, she is doing it right now

???: So when do you think we could check out that new cafe?

Haruka sighs as he turns to her

Haruka: Shouldn't you be at work Saori?

Haruka: Shouldn't you be at work Saori?

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(Boom. We are going there)

Saori Otori (Ootori because of the fandom, Ohtori because of Wiki. But I call her Otori for my sake) Haruka's childhood friend who he got separated due to Haruka having to move away

Its understandable on why, she would catch up. But almost everytime she gets a break, she spends it seeing or hanging out with Haruka

Saori: Well yes but I got a reason to come here

Saori said as her natural smile never left. One thing Haruka found more unique is that her smile seems to be a calm and loving smile

Saori was holding onto a stack of books as she hugs it so they won't fall

Haruka: Well, what are you doing here?

Saori: Its simple Haru! I came to do some research for the new project that the company I work at is doing

Haruka grabs onto the cart filled with books and he begins to push it. Saori follows him as they enter the next aisle

Haruka: Well shouldn't you get to work already? You already spent half an hour chatting with me

Saori: I know but it doesn't matter!

Haruka sighs as Saori giggles. It has always been like this for these two, Saori would head to the library and have a chat with Haruka. If she is lucky, she can find Haruka on break and they would have a cup of tea together with a plate of cookies

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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