Chapter 0: Prologue (Some changes)

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Y/n is a teenager that loves video games. He always play alot of video games because he just bored out of the reality he is in. He used to just study all the way down, to get good grades and then go out on life and work. But he doesn't like how that is and decided to play video games for most of his time. The two video games he play the most are Ultrakill and Goddess Of Victory: Nikke. He play Ultrakill cause it's fucking amazing he P-rank pretty much every everything in the game and for Nikke, he got to the final chapter which is chapter 24. Although there will be more chapters of Nikke and a final act for Ultrakill but that ain't stopping him from playing the game. For Nikke, at first he download and play it cause of curiousity about the game and well he got quite depressed about it. For Ultrakill, he just love it, the lore the gameplay and the characters, they are all worth it. It's also the same for Nikke, too.

One day, when he open up Goddess Of Victory: Nikke for some daily rewards, most of his progress gone. All he has left were Nikkes. He wonder why until, his phone was shaking hard and then he got suck straight into the phone into the world of Nikkes. He wake up to the call of a goddess.

( I know that this story sound like that story "The Commander is a Gamer" also a story about Male!Reader x Goddess Of Victory: Nikke but I promise you that it's not that all the same cause I go with Ultrakill things here though so yeah it will be somewhat alike but this story is different as Y/n here having Ultrakill power and by I mean power yes he has the power of Supreme Machines and the Prime Souls so yeah Y/n here you could say he is a one man army that's all I need to say for now.)

Goddess:"I need your help."

Y/n:"Huh, what why and uh what happen ?"

Goddess:"Well you see, the whole world of Nikke is in danger."

Y/n:"Wait, what kind of danger ?"

Goddess: "Well they need a commander that can fight."

Y/n:"Why would they need a commander that can fight ? Nikkes are made for this kind of things right ?"

Goddess:"Yes but the Raptures are evolving too much and for me as a Goddess Of Victory this is really getting out of hand."

Y/n:"So you want me to go into your world use whatever ability you can grant me and fight against those Raptures alongside the Nikkes ?"

Goddess: yes that's basically what I meant."

Y/n:"Well so can I have those Ultrakill power stuffs ?"

Goddess:"What kind of ?"

Y/n:"Well um V1, V2 and also their arms and all of those arsenal loadout."

Goddess:"Well I guess I can granted you that."

Y/n:"Also wait, how did you know Ultrakill ?"

Goddess:"Well I saw you play that game and I know why you love it. I really hope I can play it too one day."

Y/n:"So what will happen now ?"

Goddess:"Well you asked for Ultrakill you'll got Ultrakill. Time to save the world Y/n from the brink of destruction."

Y/n: alright let's kick some asses."

after that the Goddess sent Y/n to the world of Nikke, where he slowly waking up, He heard a female voice.

"BA-01 down ! BA-01 down !"

"Please respond ! We've been shot down !"

as she continue to repeat it, she got frustrated, "Useless piece of ... !"

(tbh it would be funny if she actually said it.)

???:"Commander ! I can't get through to the Ark !"

Y/n:"Ugh god well that hurt."

???:"Commander ! Are you ok ? did you get hurt ?"

Y/n:"Oh, yeah I'm fine."

???:"Great... ! Everything is normal !"

Y/n:"Ok then what are we doing next ?"

???:"Well do you remember which section that you are from ?"

Y/n:"Um... Central Goverment, Nikke Management Department."

???:"All right then, we were attacked en route to our destination. Our transport ship is down. Any Rapture within 100 miles radius must have heard that explosion and is headed our way. I realized that this is all a bit sudden, but I am now under your command. You're giving the orders. Can you do it ?"

Y/n didn't hesitate and said, "yes so can I know your name ?"

???:"My name is Marian I'm a Silver Gun squad member."

Although he know this but still he decided to do ask it anyway cause he just want to be nice that's all

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Although he know this but still he decided to do ask it anyway cause he just want to be nice that's all.

Y/n: "So where are we going then ?"

Marian:"Time to get to work, keep your head down, please don't worry, I will protect you, no matter what happens. Marian activating combat mode, engaging !"

as she said, some raptures appear right in front of them and marian start to shoot them down. Y/n decided to check out if he actually have the Ultrakill gun that that Goddess said. In which, he did. He has an electric gun which is the Piercer so he decided to use it to shoot at the raptures.

Marian:"Commander no ! no human weapon can kill raptures. You're gonna die !"

Y/n:"Are you sure about that ?"

as he said, y/n start firing the gun, in which to Marian's surprise, it did kill a rapture.

Marian:"What kind of weapon is that ?"

Y/n:"An electric gun."

Marian:"Electric gun ? But how did human built that ?"

Y/n: Let's just say it's one of the human's wonder thing."

And so they continue firing at the Raptures until they are all gone.

Marian:"All enemies down ! Transitioning to non-combat state. Argh , my leg..."

Y/n:"Are you hurt ?"

Marian:"Yeah I guess you could say that. Hurt or rather ... Malfunctioning ? Either way my mobility hasn't been affected."

Y/n: "Well let me bandage you."

Marian:"Um... that won't be ... much use to a Nikke. But I appreciate the gesture. Thank you commander. The Rendezvous ponit should be close by."

Y/n:"Yeah no problem." He said it with this feelings in his gut that he will try and save Marian from this cold... dark world and help her getting a better life as they both continue moving to the rendezvous point.

[Well that's all for today I will continue later on if I have enough motivation and well enough time too cause I will be back to school next week so I might not having much time for writing fanfic so yeah enjoy while it last.]

[I fixed some wording problems in this chapter and probably few more.]

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