Chapter 2

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Astraea sat in the back of the cab, feeling a sense of anxiety build as she thought about her writing. As a would-be writer, she was filled with self-doubt and worries about her future. Despite her successes, she still felt like she wasn't doing enough, and the pressure of her parents' expectations weighed heavily on her. In that moment, she felt a sense of hopelessness creeping in, and all she could think about was returning home to face her parents, knowing she would likely be met with judgment and disappointment.

As she arrived at her parents' house, feeling both nervous and excited to see her family on what she considered a special occasion. She hadn't been home in a while, and it had been so long since she saw her older brother and younger sister. The winter cold hit her hard as she stepped out of the cab, and for a moment she forgot all about her fears and worries, consumed by the anticipation of seeing her loved ones and celebrating the holiday with them.

As Astraea stood at the door to her childhood home, she felt a wash of nostalgia come over her. She hadn't been here in ages, and the excitement of her reunion was building with each second. As her father opened the door, she was greeted by warm emotions and happy memories, as well as a deep sense of happiness as she saw her parents again. She couldn't wait to catch up and tell them about all the new and exciting things that had happened in her life during her time away.

Astraea looked up to see a young girl running towards her, her face filled with joy. It was her younger sister, whom she had missed greatly. It was a moment of excitement for both of them, as Stella, her younger sister, ran into her arms, embracing her tightly. As she returned her sister's hug, the two couldn't help but smile and feel joy at their reunion. Astraea was excited to tell her sister all about her stories and life, and her sister was equally thrilled to see her older sister and share all her stories with her

"Oh, my gosh! Astraea, I can't believe you're back! I missed you so much, s-s-s-so much!" 

"I know, I know, I missed you too, Stella. I'm so glad to be back, baby. Come, come, tell me all about what's new in your life."

Stella excited grabs her arm and drags her to the living room filled with framed pictures of them, "Oh, you'll be so surprised! Lots of things happened while you were away, I can't wait to tell you!

Astraea searched the house for her brother, hoping to catch up with him and hear about his life, eventually she gave up and asked Stella.

"Hey Stels where's Leo?" 

Stella, distracted, answers, "Oh, um, I think he went out a while ago. Not sure where, though."

As she heard the door open, she whirled quickly to find her brother, Leo, had just come in. Leo was a neurologist in New York while she was lucky enough to get a journalism job offer in Florida, so they don't get to see each other a lot anymore. Astraea felt a rush of joy at his sudden reappearance, and ran to him, embracing him tightly. She could feel his embrace back, and a sense of warmth in the familial bond shared between them. After a moment or two, she pulled back a little, and looked up at her brother's face, eagerly awaiting his greeting

She was beyond thrilled to see her brother again

"Leo! It's so good to see you. I've missed you so much, I'm so glad you're home." 

Leo smiled back at his sister, "It's good to see you too, little sis. I'm glad to be home. How have you been? Has anything exciting happened while I was away? Any boyfriends?" Leo asked while wiggling his eyebrows, clearly too interested in her personal life.

"Oh, loads of things happened while you were away and no boyfriends, Leo, stop being a nosy asshole." 

As dinner came to an end and Astraea was about to go to sleep, she thought hard about the dark curly-haired boy with warm brown eyes and how he had towered over her, she couldn't help but feel drawn to him. She found herself smiling at the small conversation, although he was very cold and distant she felt a friendship blossom or not he totally seemed uninterested and annoyed from the girl, she felt a sense of wonder about who he was and what else she might learn about him. As she drifted off to sleep, she hoped that she might get the chance to speak to him again and get to know him better.


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