A Drunken Night pt²

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(Part two requested by moonfinnie. Here it is, love :D hope you like it!)

You groggily awoke to the harsh sunlight peering in through the curtains. Turning your head to face Jenna, you noticed her still peacefully sleeping, her gentle breaths slowing the pace of your own. Slowly, you shifted your position, causing her to stir slightly. As she opened her drowsy eyes and her gaze met yours, an amused smile lit up her face. However, the sight faded quickly, as a dull pain in her head from the previous night's hangover dawned upon her.

You slowly managed to rise from the soft bedding. Glancing at the various items on the nightstand, you reached for the pill bottle and the glass of water, and then turned in Jenna's direction. You extended your hand out to her, offering her the pill. She groggily sat up and took it, washing it down with some much-needed water. As the two of you sat there in silence, you hoped that the hangover would subside before the end of the day.

A slight sigh escaped you, accompanied by a brief moment of exasperation. "I told you not to drink if you can't handle it anymore," you muttered under your breath, swinging your legs off the bed and heading to the bathroom. As you washed your face and brushed your teeth, Jenna groggily followed behind, groaning and whining in protest. You tried not to let your annoyance show. It seemed she did not listen to your warnings as the pain of the hangover had clearly taught her nothing.

After completing your daily grooming routine, you made your way downstairs, your footsteps echoing off the walls. You reached the kitchen, and started to prepare breakfast. Jenna followed, rubbing her eyes and trying to shake off the effects of the hangover. As she watched you begin to prepare their breakfast, you could feel her eyes watching your every movement. You were happy that you could show off your culinary skills to her once again.

As you placed the plates of food down on the table, you took a seat in front of Jenna. She began to eat, albeit a little cautiously, perhaps wondering if you were upset with her. You gave her a reassuring smile, and shrugged slightly. "No, I'm not mad. Like I said, you're very much allowed to go out this day.... that is, if your hangover is gone... and if you tell me first," you spoke matter-of-factly. She gave you a beaming look, and began to eat happily, her headache still present but not affecting her enjoyment.

"I'm staying home, love," Jenna said, almost finishing her meal. "Great..." you replied happily, placing your plate and utensils aside to be washed later. "Do you remember what you did last night?" you asked Jenna. She replied with "Uh, did I... do something? Was it bad?" You gave her a brief look, but decided to keep the conversation short. "Yes, it was slightly bad..." you said simply, keeping your true feelings about her actions to yourself. You didn't want to reveal the revenge you planned for her for giving you hickeys.

As you cleaned the dishes, you had the feeling that Jenna was staring at you, yet you weren't sure until you finally turned around. Finally, she noticed the love bites on your neck, and pointed to them curiously. "Did I... do that?" she asked, and you quietly answered with a simple "Yeah." You took a seat on the couch, and she followed right behind and seated herself next to you. The two of you watched what she wanted to see on television, and it seemed like she enjoyed her time spent with you.

You and Jenna spent the day watching various movies, her focus firmly locked on the screen in front of her. You knew this was the perfect opportunity, and quickly buried your face in her neck. She likely assumed you were trying to be sweet and clingy. However, you wasted no time, and left a love bite on her neck. Startled, she winced in pain and yelled, "Y/N!! I've got a shooting next week!" She scolds you for your actions. "It's still next week... it's my revenge anyways..." you reply, not bothering to hide your malicious actions.

You laughed in response to Jenna scolding you. "That's just one" you say, referring to the two hickeys she had given you last night. She clicked her tongue, obviously annoyed, and returned her attention back to the movie playing in front of the two of you. "What?" you replied with a chuckle. "It was you who started it." You teased, playing off her previous actions from the previous night.

You diverted your attention back to the movie you two were watching. You snaked your arms around her waist, and laid your head comfortably against her shoulder. You found yourself content to stay in this position, despite this not being the most comfortable position for watching a movie. Still, having Jenna so close to you, and being able to give her slight squeezes and caresses, made this comfortable for you, even if it wasn't optimal.

"Love," Jenna murmured, and you gave her a quick glance. Your hands were still around her waist, squeezing her lightly to acknowledge her. You hummed as the two of you stood in a close embrace. Jenna then mentioned her craving for chocolate ice cream, to which you suggested, "Should I go buy some, for you?" You leaned over as you whispered the question, and began to lightly kiss her ear. She turned towards you slightly, as she replied with a sigh, "Yes please..." Your whispers became deeper, as Jenna's lips parted slightly in anticipation.

You heard Jenna's request, and quickly stood up to go buy some chocolate ice cream. "Wait here. Pause the movie, okay??" you yelled, heading outside to complete the request.

As you walked through the door, outside for a few moments, you were greeted with a cool winter breeze. The chill air caused you to shiver slightly, but you weren't bothered by it too much. The nearby supermarket was just a short walk away, and once there, you found several options of ice cream to choose from. One of which was of course, chocolate ice cream for Jenna.

Carrying the chocolate ice cream with you, you tiptoed slowly through the door, taking care not to draw Jenna's attention. As you reached the living room, you couldn't find her there, and decided to head to the kitchen instead. There, you noticed her busy making snacks. Without making any noise, you approached Jenna from behind and wrapped your arms around her waist. Though she was startled, she quickly realized it was you, and brushed it off while continuing to prepare the snacks.

You stood quietly behind Jenna as she kept busy preparing snacks. You couldn't help but notice the perfect moment to continue on with your revenge. As Jenna finished preparing the snacks, she placed the bowl down and was about to turn around to face you. However, you caught her by surprise before she could do so, by biting on her neck, exactly alongside the other hickey you had given her earlier. Jenna gasped out in pain, shocked and startled by your action. You could see the slight anger in her eyes, yet her voice remained quiet.

Jenna turned her attention to face you, you had difficulty hiding your increasing grin, knowing that your revenge was complete. Despite this, she continued to glare at you, visibly annoyed by your antics. Before you could stop it, she quickly cupped your cheeks, and in a surprise move, bit your nose. "Ah.. ahk..! Jenna!" You protested, trying to keep your smile from widening further. As she let go, her expression remained unphased, the slight smile on your face probably only aggravating her further.

You held your nose and laughed, your face flushed with amusement at Jenna's actions. It was then that you approached her for a quick hug, and asked with humor, "That's...! Hahaha~ Why my nose??" Your laugh continued as you wrapped your arms gently around her. Jenna had a look of annoyance on her face, yet she did nothing but give you a look of disdain as you hugged her. However, her scowl did not deter the smile and laughter you felt in that moment.

As you were hugging Jenna and laughing, you felt her embrace. Although, the hug quickly turned into something else, as you felt her lightly sink her teeth into your ear. You yelped in pain, and pushed her away, turning your head around to see her grin. She stared at you with a smirk, and you knew at once that yet another round of revenge was being enacted. "Love... that hurts!" you protested. Jenna's grin remained, as she was clearly delighted by your reaction, and replied with a coy smile, "Oh, does it...?"

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