Impressions of Three Men in Black Part 12

Start from the beginning

"Why am I here, Aro?" she asked, while her hands caressed his bare chest.

"We decided to take you on a vacation, my heart," he replied, confused by the question.

"No, I mean, why am I here?" She touched her chest where his unbeating heart was.

Now he understood. "It's something even we do not comprehend, Celeste. We don't question it. Why do you?" His hand brushed a strand of hair from her face. "I love you already, cara. I will only love you more once you have accepted the change. We will be the same then. Have you any doubts?"

"Doubts? No. I just wondered how I was the one from so many women to be chosen to... to be so lucky as to be loved by such a..." She was finding it difficult to articulate to Aro her deeper feelings.

He smiled and pulled her closer, kissing her forehead. "I could read you if you prefer. It would be easier for you if you let me see your thoughts."

"I don't know if I want you that close to the feelings I have for you. Not yet, anyway." She was still hesitant to let Aro have free reign in her head.

"I can't control my gift, cara. I read everyone the same."

"Can't you ignore what you see and just store it away for a day that may never come?" she asked. Celeste rolled onto her back, one arm thrown over her eyes while she thought about her situation.

Aro took a fingertip amd circled her mouth, running it over her lips. Then he trailed his finger down her neck to her chest, moving it between her breasts, circling her nipples until they peaked into hard buds. His finger continued its path down over her belly causing her to inhale sharply. Aro smiled and let his finger feather over the center of her body in teasing touches that made Celeste want to beg for him to do more.

When Aro leaned over her to kiss her, his hand cupped her feminine core, the middle finger sliding in her wet heat where he stroked her into a needy frenzy. In a way, he would miss her humanity, their temperatures being so different. She loved the coldness of his hands and body, as he favoured the heat of her body, especially when he was buried deep inside her.

The sounds she was making as her hips twisted in need brought Aro back to the present. He pleasured her, bringing her to an orgasm manually before thrusting into her where his thrusts led her to another orgasm, and then enjoyed his own. Aro teased her neck with his teeth, careful not to break the skin, even though she probably would not have objected in her current mood.

After they had slaked their lust, Celeste and Aro lay together, their bodies entwined, heat and ice as one. Celeste wanted to sleep, while Aro kissed and nuzzled her. He knew by morning, they would have to leave the cabin and begin the day. Celeste wanted to swim in the ocean with all three of her mates, and they would indulge her.

By sunrise, Celeste woke to an empty cabin. But only moments later did Aro return with a tray laden with a delicious breakfast consisting of a cheese egg omelet with sausage links, and buttered toast and coffee.

"I had hoped to beat your wakening, my love. I convinced Chef Emilio to let me serve you breakfast in bed." Aro set the tray over Celeste's lap once she sat up against the headboard. The he sat on the other side of the bed while his mate enjoyed her meal. "Do you think you will miss human food?"

"Aro, you all eat one thing, well, drink one thing. How do you not grow bored of that?"

"Meal time is a necessity, cara. We crave blood when we're thirsty, but otherwise, we do not think of it. You will adapt."

Once she finished her morning repast, Celeste set the now empty tray on the floor beside the bed and laughed. "I doubt I will 'adapt' that quickly, Aro."

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