T w e n t y

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Chapter 20 : Nice win
>Kosta's POV<

After landing a score on the net, making it an absolute unexpected win. Our opponents were taunting us before the start of the game, thinking they'll crush us like cockroaches but that wasn't for them to decide their faiths. That game was intense, they were hard to beat, their abilities were on a higher level which gave us a small chance of winning, but at the very last moment, a miracle happen in such a clutch.

"Damn Kosta you nailed it!"
My teammate patted my back so hard I almost fell on the floor, though he had reflexes, he caught me before I even lay my head flat on the surface.

"Ah-.. yeah." Everyone swarmed on me like I was a hollywood star. I couldn't do anything and just stand there and entertain each people who compliments me. Others in the distance, my opponents were astonished, while the others, doubting what they have witnessed.

This was actually the things that I wanted to achieve and feel in such a long time. But.. Somehow, receiving attention means nothing to me anymore. Did a part of me, a desire that I permanently wished for was just a temporary liking..?

The cheers that I hear echoing around the sorroundings was slowly getting distorted, am I going deaf ? My vision was getting too blurry I can hardly see anything, this was something to be worried. But the only thing that is in my mind was her. Distractions, unsettling touches, the noise, all around me was worth ignoring.

"W-where's.. Y/n?" I muttered, softly spoken under my breath. I got myself confused for saying such words from my own mouth. My teammate didn't hear it well, which he offered me to say it again. I looked around me when the noise gradually fades into tranquility. My teammate was leaning towards me, worriedly looking into my eyes, all the commotion was gone but despite that, his attention was engrossed on my existence like I was the only one he cared. Did I look bad?

"Y/n..? Where is she?" I clearly said in a monotone. I glance at my teammate beside me. After my response he looks into the direction where everyone was looking at, a huge crowd gathered on a white table, two people sitting in front of each other playing a board game known as chess. A game that I play sometimes with y/n. She wins a lot of games against me than I do. She was improving.

"You mean that girl? Damn dude I heard she won multiple games and now she's against the leader of the chess club." My eyes were immediately brought to the crowd, I could see in the distance amidst the group of people, a glance of her beautiful hair tied in a bun. Her eyes focused on the board and her hands playing the black pieces of her opponent that she have captured while playing. It seems like a tournament with much people gathered around them, interested on watching a strategic fight. Well, chess has been considered as an entertainment. Tactics, strategies, mathematical thinking and visualization games excites viewers. You would be able to ask yourself after someone makes a move in a fastest way as possible, clicking the clock in a hurry to manage their time, — how did they ever thought about that move that fast?

Sometimes we never really understand chess player's thoughts unless they tell you their plans. If you can compare it to life, it's slightly the same as that situation.


I made my way to the crowd watching to observe the game and support her, quietly. The student's heads were not a problem for me because I was somewhat taller than some of them. I did not have anything that blocked my sight from watching her checkmating the chess club leader. That was satisfying to witness. I am so proud of how far she grew. There's a good potential that she will be the most known strong chess player in the country.

And I highly doubt she'll give up this talent of hers. . .

Even when people were gathering around her, cheering and giving out praises and multiple compliments of her unusual intelligence, her eyes gazes at mine as if she knew the whole time I was there watching the game. Her eyes lits up and gave me a sweet smile. Instead of talking to the other people around her, she chose to look in my direction first. I stared at her in complete awe, not knowing what to do and say to her after this.

I did not forget about what happened in the library. But also, I try to avoid bringing up that topic. It makes me embarrass that my face will turn bright red, thinking about what I've done. Surely y/n doesn't want to hear about it too. Maybe.

What if she has the thought of rejecting me after what happened? She was acting a bit too awkward when I talked to her a while ago. This is bad.

Should I go talk to her or fully ignore her appearance?

To be continued. . .


! If any of the readers have not read the announcement yet, please do !

. . . — will update the new chapter in a few months. The author will be offline for a while . . .

● I'd Lose Myself ● | Kosta X Reader(Y/n) | {X}Where stories live. Discover now