Start from the beginning

Your lips quivered. " I'll think about it" you could only respond as Childe hugged you for another second

N E X T  D A Y

Your eyes were drowsy as you stirred awake. You felt uncomfortable in your own bed

Not to mention your head had a stinging sensation. You wondered what had happened yesterday as you sat up

Almost immediately you felt the cold breeze land on your body which made you shield yourself from the sheer cold

You realised the situation you were in and immediately looked to your side. Sure enough you saw Childe who rested soundly next to you

He had clung to you like a koala and a-mist the struggle of escaping his grip, you heard a deep grumble from the man which made him tighten his grip around you

Now you felt like prey. You had to escape somehow. You placed his arms off you and slid off the bed

With the harsh air holding you back, you take a leap of faith but not all leaps make it to the end and you felt arms snake around you

" what are you doing?" Childe groaned, yanking you back into the comfort of the sheets

" Childe! I have a...sponsor and I have to take a photoshoot soon" you make up an excuse

Childe opens one eye, staring at the calendar on your wall, " yeah right, stop lying" Childe catches you red handed, snuggling his head on your back

" Childe what happened last night" you decided to approach the man by avoiding the topic entirely

" what do you think? We had a few drinks...and you seemed very upset so I stayed the night" Childe recounted to you

Ah. It made sense to you now. " why wouldn't I be upset? You're leaving me and...I'm not sure if living in a new country is the life I want..I know I can adjust but why now? I feel like my life has only begun" you tried your best to explain

Childe shuffled on your back. You couldn't tell if he was ignoring you

" you are right, I won't hold that against you but...it's going to be a tough journey for us both if we wish to continue this relationship" Childe parted from his hug, making you turn around to face him


Your breath hinged. The fog escaped your lips. It was very cold.

You watched as your co-stars act their part. You were up next and your costume for the scene was not made for the weather

" are you cold?" You heard Diluc ask you.

" no..I'm fine" you nod, trying to fake your words

" they made you wear thin clothes in this weather.." Diluc mumbled, taking off his jacket, " here" Diluc gave you his

You stared at Diluc's jacket and shake your head. " I can't take it" you remained still

Diluc sensed the awkwardness of the situation and pulled the jacket back, " if you insist...you know I started dating again" Diluc made conversation 

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