Chapter six

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"So...we all agreed to go over at Stu's tomorrow night?" Tatum said. " to watch a movie, drink some beers" she winked at me
"Will billy be there ?" I asked thinking nothing of it
She gasped
"YOU CARE IF HE WILL BE THERE DONT YOU?" she asked full of excitement
"No of course not" I said smiling
"Bro your cheeks went red in like one second don't try to fool me, you will fail" she smiled and looked at me
"I don't know... I really don't" I said still smiling while writing something that was on the board "how could it be possible" I said. I think it was more of a question to myself.
"I think you should think about it. Maybe if you spend some time with him, you would figure out your true feelings because girl...I have seen how you look at him the past days. I thought nothing of it but now that I am thinking about it..." she said with excitement again.
"Okay okay" I smiled and I think I blushed "but before the party we should go to the supermarket I want to get some things. My mum is not coming back soon" I said bringing my lips to a line.

* * *

"Me and y/n are going to bring snacks" Tatum said. Sydney had to go somewhere with her dad so she couldn't come to Stu's. "Billy and Stu get beers. Randy you should get some dvds from the video club".
"As you wish my queen" Randy said sarcastically while leaving " bye guys see you tomorrow".
Stu looked at him dead in the eye but said nothing.
"Bye Randy" Tatum and I said.
"We are leaving too" I said mainly looking at billy and grabbed tatum's hand
"Yes we are going" Tatum said. She kissed Stu on the cheek as I was dragging her "y/n maybe you want to kiss someone too" she winked at me and laughed. I looked at billy and he was looking at me.

We said bye to each other and then me and Tatum left

* * *

"We will definitely need more beers" Tatum said
"I can't carry more Tate" I said out of breath. Bro thinks I am Superman or something.

"Yeah we won't we able to carry all of that" she said pointing at our shopping cart which was full of beers and chips

"I thought you told Stu and Billy to bring the beers anyway" I said
"You really believe they will remember?" She asked smiling at me
"Of course...not but they should" I said and we laughed

We left some beers back. I went and picked out some packs of instant noodles, a pack of spaghetti, some tomatoes to make sauce and some snacks. After I put my stuff in the shopping cart, we went to pay. Tatum has a fake ID. Luckily her brother didn't come with us, otherwise we couldn't buy beers.

"Tomorrow is going to be unforgettable" Tatum said and I think that she is right.

RED HANDED -billy loomis x reader-Where stories live. Discover now