Chapter 1

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*Movie date with Duncan Robinson*

Miami, Florida

It was around 5 in the afternoon as Tyler was getting ready to go on a movie date with Duncan Robinson. The first thing they could do is to go out for dinner. He goes to the bathroom to take a shower, get dressed up and go downstairs to wait for him to pick him up. He waited for him to come over to his house as they were going out on a date. Later on, the doorbell rings and Duncan comes in with the bouquet of flowers. "Hi Duncan, I didn't know you bought some flowers," "Well Tyler, this is for you," Duncan comes to him with the bouquet of Flowers. "Thank you Duncan, I really appreciate it," Tyler smiled and placed the flowers on the vase and filled them with water. "Are you ready to go to the movies with me?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm ready as I can be,"

"Okay great! Now we can watch a movie together. What would you like to watch Tyler?" He followed. "I'm thinking of the Sun is also a star," Tyler said. "Nice! Is it good?" "Yeah but I haven't got a chance to watch it Duncan," Tyler replied. "Okay, we can watch that Tyler," Tyler locks the door to his house and was picked up by Duncan Robinson for the movie date. The first thing they would do is to go out for dinner since the movie starts at 7:30pm. They ate out at Outback Steakhouse and smiled each other especially when they made eye contact. Somehow, it was their time together as they were eating out. They were surrounded by nothing but the people eating nearby. However, Tyler noticed Duncan Robinson was starting to develop his feelings towards him.

Tyler Herro: So Duncan what's up with you?

Duncan Robinson: Well Tyler, I know It may be too early for me to say this but, I'm starting to develop my feelings for you.

Tyler Herro: You do?

Duncan Robinson: Yeah. Besides, I really want to get to know you better because I wanted you and me to start a relationship together.

Tyler Herro: I see and what made you think about wanting to have a relationship with me?

Duncan Robinson: Well because I do have any other things I would tell you knowing that I am in love with you.

Tyler Herro: Wow, I didn't know you would start talking about this stuff with me.

Duncan Robinson: Yeah, that's why I decided that I wanted you to be my girlfriend.

Tyler Herro: Gee! I never thought of that before.

Duncan Robinson: yep and that is why I wanted to ask you something?

Tyler Herro: What is it?

Duncan Robinson: you lived on your own at the 5 bedroom house right?

Tyler Herro: Yes.

Duncan Robinson: it might be a bit too much for me to say this but can I move in with you?

Tyler Herro: Sure!

Duncan Robinson: thank you Tyler. I don't have to be in the hotel anymore.

Tyler Herro: I know.

Duncan Robinson: and I can sleep in with you.

Tyler Herro: Okay Duncan, you're going way too far but of course you can sleep with me 😆😍

They laughed together after talking about relationships and moving in. Next, they went to the movie theater and bought the popcorn and drinks to enter the theater to watch the Movie called the sun is also a star. They were seated next to each other and waited for the movie to start.

Later on, the Sun is also a star shows up in the later time and enjoyed the film. When they were watching a movie in the theater together, Duncan looks at Tyler Herro and starts holding his hand. Tyler looks at him and smiles.

Duncan Robinson: I love you Tyler Herro.

Tyler Herro: I love you too Duncan.

He kissed him on the hand and continued their romantic date together.

*Time Skip*

After the movie, they decided to go home and rest for another day tomorrow at the Miami Heat Practice Facility. Well, you got that right! They were meant to be a great couple ever since they started dating and decided to take the relationship to a whole new level.

Tyler Herro POV:

Duncan Robinson became my first love of my life because he chose me to be his girlfriend and I am looking forward to take the relationship to a whole new level with him. You know he was the greatest person I've ever met and please don't ask me for a baby plans yet because we're still taking things slow. Anyways, I am going to bed for tomorrow's date.

Duncan Robinson POV:

I am excited to be Tyler Herro's boyfriend and it's amazing that he will take the relationship to a whole new level. That being said don't ask us for a baby plans yet because we're still dating hahaha. I'll just have to wait for the timing to come and if anyone wants Tyler Herro to be pregnant with my baby, let me know and I am eager to be the father of his child.

One night,

Tyler and Duncan Robinson were snuggling in bed watching tv together. They were cuddling together as Tyler was dressed up in a silk nightgown. Duncan wraps his arms around Tyler's waist and starts kissing him on the neck and shoulders until they were falling asleep. Well their night went well with the movie date.

 Tyler Herro & Duncan Robinson- Romance in the Miami HeatWhere stories live. Discover now