2. :]

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Heart heavy with a mix of excitement and dread, Cellbit prepared himself to have the most difficult conversation he had ever faced. He knew he had to be honest with both Roier and Quackity, acknowledging the depth of his feelings and the impact they would have on their lives.

Taking a deep breath, Cellbit approached Roier, his soon-to-be ex-husband. Tears welled up in Roier's eyes as he sensed the weight of the impending conversation. "Don't worry, gatinho," Roier whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm happy that you found new love. Thank you for making me so happy."

Although Cellbit expected a mix of emotions from Roier, his genuine support surprised him. The immense relief mingled with guilt within Cellbit's heart. He had hurt someone he cared deeply for, and the knowledge weighed heavily on him.

"Im sorry Guapito..."

With resolve in his heart, Cellbit found himself standing on Quackity's house before Quackity came, his mind racing with what he wanted to say. The room was filled with tension, a palpable silence that seemed to stretch on for eternity.

Finally, Cellbit mustered the courage to speak, his voice trembling ever so slightly. "Quackity, I need to tell you something," he began, his eyes locked desperately onto Quackity's searching gaze. "These past few weeks, the feelings I have for you... they've grown deeper. I can't ignore them any longer."

For a moment, the air hung heavy with anticipation. Quackity's expression was unreadable, a veil drawn over his emotions. The suspense between them was agonizing, and Cellbit's heart thudded anxiously against his chest. Would Quackity reciprocate his feelings? Or would the bond they shared be irreparably broken?

Quackity's eyes seemed to pierce into Cellbit's soul as he absorbed the weight of Cellbit's confession. The seconds stretched into an eternity, causing Cellbit's anxiety to reach its peak. What would Quackity say? What would become of their friendship, their shared adventures?

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Quackity broke the silence. A myriad of emotions played out across his face - surprise, contemplation, and a hint of something else that Cellbit couldn't quite discern.

"Cellbit, I-i"

BUT YOU ARE MARRIED!! ||chaos duo|| :]Where stories live. Discover now