"Hey, chuckles junior" Trudy greeted as I ran over to her desk.

"Hi Trudy" I greeted with a happy wave.

"Could you keep an eye on her for a couple of minutes?" Hailey asked and Trudy nodded.

"Sure thing" she agreed "I hear you're having your first ever sleepover tonight" she said.

"Uh huh" I nodded in confirmation "we're gonna go to the store and get all the snacks and face packs for our movie night!" I exclaimed making her smile.

"Wow sounds like fun" she replied.

"Tomorrow we're gonna do some baking and maybe make some brownies" I said.

"Ohh my favourite" she said "hey Upton I'm expecting there to be brownies on my desk tomorrow" she said to Hailey who was now stood behind me.

"Brownies?" She asked me confused.

"You said we where gonna do baking and I thought we could do brownies" I explained making her nod.

"Oh, well then of course we will be by to deliver you some" Hailey said to Sargent Platt.

We said our goodbyes to Trudy and drove to the store where Hailey lifted me up to sit in the shopping cart.

We went down all the aisles we needed and chose all our favourite candy and snacks as well as picking up the ingredients for our brownies tomorrow.

We then went to the beauty aisle where Hailey chose some cucumber face packs as she said they would be the most gentle on my skin. We even got some cucumber to put on our eyes!

We checked out our things and drove back to Haileys apartment and put away all the shopping. That's when I noticed my tummy starting to rumble.

"Hailey, I'm hungry" I said making her check her phone for the time.

"No wonder it's nearly dinner time" she commented "what do you fancy? Chinese or pizza?" She asked with a knowing smirk.

"PIZZA!!!" I exclaimed making her laugh.

"Okay then!" She replied with the same amount of energy "I'll order the pizza and then we can get our PJ's on" she said as she dialled in the number "margarita?" She asked and I nodded.

Once she had ordered our food we both went and got changed in to our pyjamas before dragging out loads of blankets and pillows to make the sofa super comfy. We flicked through tons of movies before finally deciding on 'Descendants'!

"Pizza's here" I shouted excitedly when I heard the knock at the door and ran over to it.

"Wait for me please" she said as she passed me and opened the front door.

She payed the delivery guy and brought our pizzas through to the living room. We turned on our movie and began to eat our pizza.

"That was so good" I said as I closed the lid on my now empty pizza box.

"Pizza's the best" Hailey nodded in agreement.

The movie continued to play in the background and Hailey brought over all of our snacks and candy we had bought at the store.

We watched the movie until it finished when we decided it was the best time to do our face packs.

"You look so silly" I giggled as I helped her put on her face pack.

"Well you don't look any better little missy" she replied with a laugh as she readjusted my headband that was keeping my hair out of my face.

"Uh oh" Hailey smiled as she pulled her phone out of her pocket to see who was calling "your brother's FaceTiming" she said as she handed me the phone and I swiped to answer it and pulled a funny face.

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