005: Bellys Birthday

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I can't believe you did this.





I WOKE THE NEXT MORNING, with the biggest headache. It was 5AM in the morning. I knew no body was awake. I realized that today was belly's birthday. I had all her gifts planned and I was extremely excited.

I decided to take a cold shower to wake me up better. I knew I was going to bump into Conrad at any point this whole day but it was Belly's birthday and Taylor was coming over today so I wouldn't let a little fight
with Conrad ruin that.

After I finshed taking my shower I curled my hair and put on my favorite dress i bought while shopping with the moms and belly yesterday. It was finally 9AM which mean's everyone would be awake by now. I made my way downstairs to see Laurel, Susannah, Jeremiah, Conrad And Steven.

Sophia: "morning." -I take a seat next to Jeremiah who was eating breakfast

Laurel: "Sophia are you okay? Your eyes are bright red?"

Susannah: "what? Oh sweetie what happened?" -she says walking towards me

I felt Steven and Jeremiah looking at me concerned which to be honest made me uncomfortable. I knew my eyes were going to bright red. I just didn't think anybody would notice.

Sophia: "yeah I'm fine, my eyes were hurting so I put some eye drops."

Susannah: "oh okay sweetie."

Jeremiah: "you hungry sis?" -he asks smiling at me

Sophia: "I'm fine thanks though."

Susannah: "Sophia you haven't been eating are you okay sweetheart we can take you to the doctors?"

Sophia: "No no please no today is belly's birthday I do not want to make it all about me."

Laurel: "that is so sweet of you but are you sure you are fine?"

Sophia: "Yeah I'm fine I'm just really excited"

Belly: "Morning, everyone!"

Susannah: "There's the birthday girl looking like a vision in floral." she says smiling hugging belly

Sophia: "Belly happy birthday baby!" -I give her the biggest hug before pulling away so she can hug everyone else

Jeremiah: "Happy Sweet 16, Bells." -he says picking her up and hugging her

Steven: "Now Belly Button's getting old finally. Happy birthday!"

Belly: "thanks everyone" -she says smiling

Laurel: "happy birthday, sweetheart!" -she says hugging belly

Belly: "thanks mom." -she says hugging her back

Laurel: "Your Mickey Mouse pancakes are ready."

Belly: "Actually, I'm not really, uh, hungry."

Laurel: "oh."

Susannah: "shall we open gifts?"

Jeremiah: "Oh, you're going to love mine."

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