Chapter 8 - Intolerance

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Right well, I didn't know what to name this chapter so I just chose a word that kind of fitted with this chapter.

So everyone knows, who reads my book, that I also have written and am writing other books. For example 'The Secret.'
This book has 293 reads, which if I say so myself is more than I was expecting.
But only has 57 votes. That is still good, kind of...

So let me get this straight 293 people have decided to read my book. 290 fudging 3!
So how the hell is there only 57 votes.
If you don't like the book then why the hell read it.
Don't read it each chapter and carry on reading it, because that means you like it. But you obviously don't if you don't vote for it.
So why they hell is there only 57 votes.

One of my other book has 206 reads and only 14 votes.
Why do people read and not vote, you have to like it if you carry on reading it, so if you like it why not vote for it?

What's worse is my latest book has 56 reads but no votes.
Seriously, do you not know how to click a button.
Why the fudging hell do you carry on reading each chapter if you don't like it enough to vote!
It's so stupid.
If you are one of those people, just think about how much it would annoy and upset you.

Erin out!

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