Chapter 12

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It doesn't feel real. Sitting here on a blanket, wrapped up in his arms as we chat and laugh with our friends. The tingles that crawl over every surface of my body at the mere stroke of his fingers, only add to the feeling this is all in my head. The warmth of his chest at my back is the only sensation that grounds me in reality, but even that isn't enough to take away the worry that still lingers in my chest. I'm afraid to move. Hardly able to breathe. Overcome with fear that at any moment I'll wake up in my bed, only to find this is all a dream.

"Hey," with his thumb and forefinger, he gently takes my chin and forces my eyes to his. "You okay?" A slight nod is all I can give him. With a knowing smile, he kisses the tip of my nose. "Breathe, baby. I meant what I said. I love you and I'm not going anywhere."


He scans my face for a moment. "If this is too much, we can leave. We can go somewhere and talk. Just the two of us."

Before he finishes, I'm already shaking my head. I don't want to go. Truth be told, I'd give anything to stay here in his arms forever. "No. I'll be okay. I think I'm just processing everything."

"Still in shock, are you?" He smirks. When I nod, his lips curve into a radiant smile that fades as his lips draw closer to mine. "I love you," he whispers, and then he kisses me. Slow and tender. His lips are gentle as they imprint themselves onto mine. Remembering the last time I open up for him, using my tongue to coax him to kiss me deeper.

I can't believe this is what kissing feels like. Like an explosion deep inside my body, that leaves me feeling more alive than I've ever felt. At the same time, it's like an out-of-body experience, except I can feel every single sensation deep down to the root of my soul. Every touch. Every breath. Every heartbeat. When he pulls away, I'm breathless. With eyes still closed, I swallow down the disappointment and lean my head back against his chest.

Nothing in this life has ever felt more right and I'm grateful I waited to give him my first kiss. It was everything I'd imagined it would be, and so much more. It makes me long for a time in the future when I can give him all my other firsts, since after this, there is no doubt I belong to him.

The sound of a phone interrupts my thoughts, but just as quickly, I'm distracted by the feel of his warm breath against my ear as he kisses the side of my face.

"Hi, Dad," he pauses. "Yeah, they're right here." When Lucas tenses behind me, I look up to see Will staring at him. "O-okay." Then to Lucas he says, "It's my dad. I'm putting him on speaker."

"Lucas..." Will's father, the chief of police, comes over the line. His usual authoritative tone is different. Almost cautious. It's the first sign something isn't right. "Is your sister with you?"

"Yes, sir. She's right here." Lucas releases me and the next thing I know, he's moved away to grab Will's phone. Though his back is to me, I can see the tension coursing through him.

"Good. You two stay there. I'm sending a unit over for you..."

"What? Why?" He rises to a stand, worried gaze staring right at his sister.

"I can't say over the line. Just stay put..."

"No. No!" He yells. "Don't send anyone. I've got my Dad's truck. It's faster, just tell me what's happening." A nervous Jen stands in front of him now, her body vibrating with anxiety as she looks at him imploringly.

"Not over the phone, and it's not up for debate. I'm sending a unit. Wait for..."

To everyone's shock, Lucas hangs up the phone and tosses it back to Will. "I'm not waiting." He tells him unapologetically, before turning his attention to his sister. "Let's go."

THAT FIRST BREAK (Broken Redemption Prequel 1)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα