Chapter 5

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"today is his birthday and death anniversary"Mrs Voorhees says as Alice backs away from the two women "where is Mr. Christy"she asked as fear swells in side her.

"Oh we couldn't let him open this place again so Haley killed him we couldn't risk that not after what happened to our Jason"she said as Alice backs away with teas.

"Oh our sweet innocent Jason my second child"Mrs Voorhees says as she turns and glares at Alice "you let him drown you never payed any attention"she says flipping over a table showing a knife holder around her waist as she pulls out her dagger while Haley pull out her weapons "you will pay"Haley says with a scratchy voice "before swinging her double axe as Alice screams ducking as the axe cuts deep into the wall.

Haley works ok removing her axe from the wall as she hears her mother grunt as she falls against a against the couch"mother"she says rushing over as she helps her mother up."I want you to wait from the woods i don't want to loose you to she'll be dead soon don't worry."she says before running after there next victim.

Haley gets her weapon unstuck from the wall before she runs out into the woods listening out for her mother and Alice before hearing grunting before she runs to were the canoe boots as her eyes widen in horror as in slow motion Alice runs at her mother with a machete before completely cutting her head off"NO!"she cry's as she runs towards her headless mother as Alice gets in the boat fast heading to Open water.

"No no no"Haley says with tears as she sits down pulling her mother's body to her chest as she rocks them back with tears "please don't leave me mom"she cry's before looking out at the water with angry tears before she lets out a yell of rage as ounce again teenagers took away another loved one "I'LL KILL YOU BITCH!!!!!"she roars into the night.

Soon sunrise slowly approaches as Haley was shown still holding her dead mother as police help Alice but she will regret killing her mother.

She then hears foot steps approaching her slowly she sets her mother's body down grabbing her machete as she slowly stands up with a cold look before turning around but she stops in her tracks as she stares at the person behind her.

It was silent before she only says a name"Jason..."she says as her once dead little brother now stands in front of her a man before everything went dark.

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