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A/n: Please go to my previous account to find the beginning of this story


Everyone was doing their own thing. The alarms suddenly blared. "Attention, Sky Corps personnel. We are a code red. Repeat, code red! Report to battle stations." Stanford, Maya, Frank, and I ran out to our ExoSuits. We all lined up as Dad came out with Tombo. "You all know what's at stake. You're ready." He spoke the last part to me.

We all stood there as Stanford moved to stand in front of us. "It's okay to be scared. I'm scared. I know we all wanted to become pilots for different reasons. You were looking for a way to bring your brother here," He speaks to Maya. "because of family legacy, wanting to live up to your father's expectations. Because of a childhood promise. But we're here now, the only ones that can stop that Sharg, and we can't do it unless we work as a team." He put his hand forward waiting for others to join. "Nice speech, Stanford." "Let's do this." Maya and Frank put their hands in the middle as they look towards me. 

"We've got this." I joined and we all looked at Olivia. "Come on, Liv. We need you." I said as I reached my hand out to her. She took it and put her hand in the middle as well. "There are no other pilots I'd rather go into battle with. You guys are truly an exceptional team." I said to them as we lifted our hands above our heads and took off into out Robos. "Ok Lavender, let's do this. We've done it before and we'll do it again." I sat in my seat waiting for everyone as I span something my aunt Charlie gave me before she died when General Park was heard in my helmet. "Captain Tanaka, Cadet Tanaka." I fell back into reality and answered. "Copy, General Park." My dad and I said at the same time. 

"The Sharg ship is on the move." He informed us as everything clicked in my head. "They used the Sharg eggs to sneak onto Earth." Dad said as I sat up straight. "Yes. And now they're taking down our defenses so they can advance. You both cannot let the GDR go down." I nodded at his statement as I linked with Lavender. I stood in the line with everyone else. "Big Red, ready." "Thunderwrecker, ready." "Hero Force, ready." "Buddy, ready" "Lavender, ready." We stood together and my dad motioned for my to stand by his side. "Let's go." We all took off. 

We flew in a triangle formation with dad at the tip, Maya and I on his sides, Frank and Liv behind us and Stanford in between them. "Captain Tanaka, we've reacquired the Sharg five klicks northeast of your location." Stanchie spoke to Dad as he locked in the coordinates. "Good luck, pilots. We're in your hands." Great. No pressure there. "Yes, sir!" We spoke back to the General. We broke our formation to search our designated areas. I was with Dad as Liv went with Stanford and Frank and Maya together. "Keep your eyes peeled, cadets." I scanned left while he scanned right. That's when Maya spoke up. "I see it, sir. Over by the rock formation up ahead." Dad nodded to me to speak up. He had informed me earlier that I was to lead this mission.

"Nice work, Maya. Let's slow it down, see what we're up against." We all met up as the Sharg emerged from below. "Um, Maya? The Sharg you fought, was it that big?" Frank asked worried. "Not even close." Maya answered with fear in her voice. "Change of plans. It's too big for a frontal assault. We'll hit it with a simultaneous attack to disorient it, then Tombo and I will go in for the kill. Got it?" "Yes, sir!" Everyone replied except me. I pulled my dad's arm. "Dad, it won't work." I warned. "It will, Tanaka. Help your teammates instead of questioning my leadership." He pulled his arm away from me. "Yes, Captain." I locked onto the Shargs weak points and shot my arrows but it hit them away. "Haven't landed one clean hit." Frank spoke up as he dodged the Sharg's arm. 

Stanford tried punching it but the Sharg captured him in it's claws. Stanford struggled to get out it's grasp. That's when Liv shot her missiles and Stanford got out. "HF1's missiles are doing the most damage. Olivia, keep hitting it." Dad instructed her. "Yes, sir!" Liv answered as she shot more missiles. The Sharg screeched as Dad saw an opportunity to attack. He dodged two of the Sharg's arm and was about to slash it's chest but then the Sharg's arm rose and cut off Tombo's arm. "Dad!" I screamed as I flew towards his side. "Dad, I'm here. Can you hear me? Dad?" I asked with tears in my eyes as Tombo powered down. I flew out my Robo and was about to open Tombo's chest but Buddy touched my shoulder. "Don't move him. We don't know what his injuries are like." I stood there for a few seconds before regaining my posture. 

"Command, Captain Tanaka's hurt, bad. What should we do?" I asked as second in command. "Bring him back to base, immediately." General Park answered as my head quickly thought about the reason we came here, the reason my father is hurt. Seems like Maya was curious as well cause she questioned him. "But what about the Sharg, sir?" "Captain Tanaka is out of commission. Cadet Tanaka hasn't finished her training to lead you guys. You're only cadets. We need to regroup. Return to base." He instructed as Maya answered him but Liv and I looked at each other. "For all humanity, right?" She said as I backed her up. "If that Sharg takes down the GDR, we're all... it's over for everyone." 

"And that includes Tanaka. We can do this. Hana has fought before and is more skilled than everyone here. She may have not completed her training but her skills are exceptionally good. Let her be our captain for the rest of the mission." Olivia hyped me up as we waited for General Park's response. "Okay, I'll send a medevac for Tanaka. Hana, you're captain for today. Take care of that Sharg. But if it's not looking like you can, fall back." His last intructions mostly towards Liv. "Yes, sir!" Frank and Maya went in for the attack while Stanford, Liv and I stayed behind working out a plan. "Okay, Stanford. What's the plan?" I asked as I was now team leader. "Remember what I wanted to do during the capture the flag training?" 

"Maya as a decoy?" I recall, slightly unsure. "Yes. But this time, we are the decoys." I'm slightly confused but Liv explains it for me. "Maya can pretend to get taken out by the Sharg, play possum." It suddenly clicks in my head. "Then the rest of us can distract the Sharg and create an opening for Maya to hit it with a surprise attack." Frank continued for Liv. "Yeah. It freaked out when one of the HF1 missiles hit it low. So, I think maybe its underside is a weak spot. I'll aim for that." Maya spoke as I looked at my team, smiling. "It's a good plan." I spoke up looking at them

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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