
Start from the beginning

"I made them," James said as he placed the plate down between them, "Now I'm no chef, but Marvel said that your favourite cake flavour was red velvet and I wanted to prove to you that I mean-," James was cut off when Monroe leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips, the boy instantly returning it.

"They're perfect," she said as the two pulled away, "Thank you Jamie."

James smiled and paused the plate towards her when she sat back down, she looked at the cakes that he'd made her and sceptically picked one up and brought it to her lips and hesitantly took a bite.

"It's amazing, love, thank you." She said softly once she'd finished the cake, feeling uncomfortable near enough the whole time, but not wanting to burden James with her problems.

James reached over and pulled her into his lap, her resting her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her middle, her eyes closing at the comfort she felt. She wished she could stay in that moment forever.

"You've grown on me Potter." She said in a whisper against is neck.

He closed his eyes and rubbed his hand up and down her back, "You too, Taylor, you too,"


James walked into his door room later than usual that night but when he did, Sirius and Peter was asleep and Remus was reading on his bed as usual.

James made his way to sit in the edge of his bed, drawing Remus' attention away from the book and towards him.

James met his eyes and said in a whisper, "I really fucking like her Moony."

Remus sighed and said, "What're you gonna do then? Continue with the bet?"

James shook his head and ran a hand through his hair while bouncing his knee up and down, "I can't Rem, she's got shit going on already, I wanna be there for her, I don't wanna add into it."

Remus sighed and rubbed a hand over his face, "C'mon then, tell me how you've fallen when you swore you wouldn't.

James told him every little detail about her.


"He can barley get out of bed Malcolm! You're not dragging him out of bed to take him to a stupid bloody party!" Yelled Azalea Taylor at her husband as he tried dragging a seriously unwell nine year old William out of bed to take him to the annual ball at Malloy Manner.

The man scoffed, "Pathetic. Letting a cold get him down, I'll have to take the girl now." He said as he looked towards the eight year old sitting on the sofa reading a book.


"Father where are we?" Monroe questioned when she was lead up the steps towards a large house.

"Be patient and find out girl." He said not bothering to look as a little elf opened the door, Malcolm dragging Monroe in the house.

Monroe just followed her dad around for a couple of hours, until he led her to a room full of men, all around her fathers age.

"Where's the boy Taylor?" Questioned a tall man with white hair as he noticed the little girl hiding behind her fathers leg.

"He's acting pathetic. Azalea claims he's sick." He said with an eye roll.

"Ah women, always so insistent." Said a raspy voice, Monroe looked over and noticed a completely cloaked figure, not even a finger on show, "the girl will do though, she'll do perfectly fine."

Monroe had never felt fear more than she had in that moment.


She didn't know what was happening.

Everything was fuzzy. Her vision was blurred. Hearing was muffled. She couldn't breathe.

She saw someone standing in front of her, trying to shake her out of it.

It didn't work.

She heard muffled yelling, saw figures sitting in front if her, she felt her breathing loose control.

I can't breathe.

That's all she remembered before darkness overtook her vision.

That's all she remembered before darkness overtook her vision

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Dear reader,

Hey sweets how you doin'?

(Sorry I binged watched the whole of season three of friends last night, it's my comfort show.)

We're not going to talk about what just happened.

If you saw mistakes no you didn't

Also please leave your opinions on this book constructive criticism is very supported. I've got no experience as a writer and I will take it with no offence as long as you just don't blatantly say my books shit lmao

Love ya, see you next chapter.

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