They either have nukes or don't have nukes

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"Does Flashia have nukes? Probably, probably not" - random guy on the internet.

The Federal Republic of Flashia is rather infamous for holding ambiguity in terms of having or not having nukes. They neither confirm nor deny possession of nukes and if they actually do, it's often estimated at least 150 warheads.

This ambiguity traces back to the 1950s, just years after the Global War ended in 1946 where nuclear weapons saw a proliferation as the subsequent Cold War between Capital and Communes took shape. In light of the situation, the neutral state of Flashia did not say they had nukes nor did they say they don't have nukes. The confusion would only escalate as nuclear plants were constructed and ballistic missiles procured by the Forsvaret.

It's been long confirmed that Flashia does indeed has a few ballistic missile submarines, but nobody knows if it's only for conventional warheads or it also have nuclear warheads. Some said that Flashia never had nukes in the first place considering Flashia once fell into civil war in the 1990s resulting in the First Federal Republic collapse, but this was debunked as Newberslawnia, the one who everyone knows have thousands of nukes, went over the same thing in 2010s.

Others would say the Reunification War with Hatemea did not result in the opposing state being nuked, again this was debunked as Capital-Commune War also didn't see use of nuclear weapons in the first 2 years, so it's safe to say Flashia might've held back, if they did have the warheads that is.

Whether Flashia had nuclear weapons or not, is a mystery and a closely guarded secret of the Flash Federal Government. One thing is clear though, it was successful in deterrence in one way or another, as it was later revealed after the Reunification War, the Royal Hatemean Armed Forces never planned an offensive further into the Federal Republic for this exact reason.

(Ducc Notes: Short little trivia thingy)

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