"He should be appreciative that he's going to such a fine instiution" Remus said "when I was younger I desperately wanted to go"

"Yeah well everyone is different, and between teachers that try to mind rape him and actually rape him, I understand why he doesn't want to go there. Especially with manipulative headmasters."

"Don't talk about him like that" Remus warned "if it wasn't for Dumbledore then I would never have had an education"

"Yes you could have" Bellatrix sneered at him "you could have hired private tutors or even gotten a muggle education, and if you couldn't afford either then I'd like to remind you that loans exist. Also, Dumbledore is currently why Harry is being held back. He's smart, smarter than his mother even, Slughorn and Flitwick have asked Dumbledore repeatedly to let him take his owl exams early yet the barmy old goat always refuses"

"I'm sure he had a good reason"

"Ha" Bellatrix snorted "even if he did, which I doubt, it doesn't make up for what he's done. He left Harry in an abusive environment and didn't even bother to check up on him, nor did he even attempt to check on Sirius, Sirius shouldn't have been in Azkaban for more than a month or two before Dumbledore got off his arse and got him out. But he didn't. He may have good reasons, but I don't care. He's caused Harry enough harm"

"Everything Dumbledore does is for the good of the people" Remus stood up and looked Bellatrix in the eye "always for the good of others"

"Believe that if you want" Bellatrix rolled her eyes "as far as I'm concerned, he's an old man who messed up"

"He's a hero!" Remus growled

"That is not an excuse to be allowed to do whatever you want!" Bellatrix shouted in his face, causing Remus to step back a little, especially as she currently looked more like the Bellatrix that everyone used to think was a murderer "Harry had stopped Voldemort but that doesn't mean he can go and do whatever he wants! If he isn't above the law then neither is Dumbledore!"

"You know that..."

"Enough!" Sirius roared as he got to his feet "Enough from both of you! Remus, I'm sorry but I am on Bellatrix's side here."

"What?! Padfoot we..."

"Remus, Dumbledore has done nothing for any of us and he damn sure should have looked after Harry better"

"If it wasn't for him then I wouldn't have a job or an education"

"There are no laws preventing you from getting one!" Bellatrix sneered "I've checked the Hogwarts laws, there are no laws that forbid werewolves from attending! The only reason werewolves don't attend is because they never wanted to!"

"If it wasn't for Dumbledore, Voldemort would've won ages ago"

"He never won the war!" Bellatrix replied "If it wasn't for Harry then we would still be bumbling around like arseholes. The war would've been over a lot quicker if Dumbledore didn't keep trying to prevent people from fighting back with all they could."

"He didn't do that!"

"Really?" Bellatrix asked sarcastically "Because I remember his little order being ordered not to use anything more than stunners and I remember him campaigning for the aurors to not be allowed to use lethal force. The light side were losing the war because they were dying while the dark side would spend days in prison at worst before they got broke out."

"You don't..."

"Remus!" Sirius interrupted "Enough"

"Sirius, I..."

"I said enough" Sirius cut him off

"Fine" Remus sighed "I'll be going back to Hogwarts, goodbye" Remus turned and walked away, he had gotten into the hall and opened the door, he looked inside once more and saw that Harry was leaning against a wall and looking at him with his arms crossed. "Harry...I..."

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