Chapter 4: Cornelia Street

Start from the beginning

Mix took a glance at the older guy "Earth. You need to take a deep breath. I need to know what symptoms he experienced to help the doctor diagnoses him,"

"He did not eat for a few days. And was tired all the time. Today he threw up and when I wanted to bring him here, I found him unmoving,"

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I'll take him to the doctor and she'll do further examination okay? Please follow me,"

Earth wordlessly trailed behind Mix, entering into an examination room where a vet was already ready to check on Aspen.

As the examination went on, the veterinarian really did have a grim expression even if half of her face was covered with a surgical mask.

He did not when it happened but the doctor is in front of him now, talking in medical terms that even the normal him could not understand while Mix was passive, still standing beside the examination table, just watching him.

He can see the sympathy in his eyes before turning his focus towards the vet, the buzzing in his ears gone.

"What?" the only word he can croaked out from his dry mouth. He didn't even realize how dry it was until he tried to talk.

Just like Mix, her eyes filled with pain. "He has pancreatis and it's quite severe so we need to operate him tonight. Sir, I need to be honest right now. The odd is not in our favor and seeing from his symptoms and age, I want you to be ready if anything happens,"

Earth was never a logical person. He's a leader, sure, but he will admit that he was more emotional than logical.

"Isn't that what an incompetent doctor would say? If you can do your work right then I shouldn't be worried right," he said harshly, his eyes rimmed red and filled with tears. He didn't mean to have an outburst but he was just so tired with everything leaving him.

"Earth," Mix called out.

That pulled Earth from his trance, from whatever anger-filled haze or the anxiety that kept being build up over time as he watched the low raise of Aspen's chest.

He didn't even realise that he himself was holding in a breath. He believed he would literally fell if Mix did not support him. His mind was in shamble, he didn't even realize how Mix 'magically' appeared beside him. But he was grateful nevertheless.

"How about you take a seat and wait. We'll try our best to save him okay?" when he received nothing from the other guy, he could only sigh softly and walked away. He had to leave the older man as he was still needed in the operation room.


Aspen was the cat his mother saved while he was studying ins Scotland. Only a few weeks before his mother died, his mother video called him to show the newly acquired kitten which she asked him to name.

Maybe it was because he spent so little time with his mother, only really living with her until he was thirteen then was sent of to a boarding school somewhere in Scotland. So now he held onto those things that his mother left after she passed away and that was in the shape of a Scottish fold cat with a pitiful face.

Earth was a caring person by nature. Had always been a protector towards his mother and his sister but he had never been good with little furry things. His father had gifted him with a dog growing up but a Great Dane and a Scottish Fold had a Pacific Ocean wide of difference so when he met the fur-ball that barely was the size of his hand, there's a fear churning in his stomach, that he would fucked up and kill that little thing.

At first it wasn't easy to love the kitten, with it being in the street meaning it had a pretty bad health, he had to take care of it more than he usually did with his dog.

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