Chapter 8

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The following morning, Kassandra was awakened by the sound of a shrill ringtone sounding throughout the house.
she groaned quietly as she dragged herself out of bed, stumbling over to the nearest telephone on her nightstand. she picked it up, yawning heavily. "Hello?" she said sleepily.
"Hey, are you okay? You sound tired. Spirou's concerned voice came through the speaker.
"I'm fine, I just woke up early. What happened?"
"Nothing, just wanted to make sure you were doing okay." he said softly.
"I'm fine. Don't worry."
"Okay." He paused for a second. "Do you want me to come over? You sound tired."
"No, no need." Kassandra answered immediately.
"Alright, well if you change your mind just let me know."
"I will."
They talked for a while longer about nothing until Spirou hung up.

2 hours after
Kassandra had the thought *why did he offer me the handkerchief that morning when I had mine? * And a little while later, she decided to ask him once he arrived.
He hadn't even taken off his shoes when he appeared before her, causing her to jump slightly in surprise.
"Sorry! Sorry, I didn't realize anyone else was here." He apologized.
"You, okay?" she asked concernedly.
He nodded his head. "Yeah, sorry for startling you."
"Don't apologize, you scared me." She giggled.
"It's true though, I didn't mean to." He smirked. "What's the matter?"
She blushed lightly. "Uh.. well.. do you remember when you offered me a handkerchief two days ago?"
"Yeah.. You took it." He nodded.
She nodded her head, fiddling with the ends of her sleeves as she spoke again. "Well..." she trailed off uncertainly. "I... wanted to return the favor."
He furrowed his brows in confusion. "Return the favor?"
She sighed. "Yes." She nodded. "I wanted to give you yours back."
he stared at her blankly, obviously trying to understand what she meant. "But you gave me yours." He stated.
"I know. But I still want to give you back yours." She explained.
"Because.. It means a lot to me." She spoke. "And I want you to enjoy yours more."
"So, you gave me a handkerchief because you thought I would enjoy it more?"
"Yes." She whispered.
He looked at her with amusement. "That's adorable."
"Shut up!" Kassandra scrunched up her nose.
he chuckled. "No seriously, you're being ridiculous."
"Why are you making fun of me? This is serious!"
"Okay, okay. But I won't accept your gift." He told her sternly.
she frowned. "But-"
"-no. You didn't even ask me if you could give me yours. If you had, I'd probably accept." He explained. "I'm not going to accept yours until you have given me yours."
"You're an idiot." she muttered.
he smiled playfully. "You love me anyways."
Kassandra rolled her eyes in response and crossed her arms across her chest. "Of course." she said sarcastically.
Spirou chuckled quietly. "I'll be right back. Be ready when I get there." He informed, beginning to walk away.

She nodded her head. "Yeah, okay." She replied simply.
Spirou made his way out of her room, leaving her alone once more. She fell backwards onto her bed, staring up at the ceiling.
" what am I supposed to do?" She muttered to herself.
She knew she needed to do something soon or else she was going to go insane. She sat up straight again, her eyes widening slightly.

she thought.
she smiled softly. 'That's perfect.'
Spirou knocked on the door and waited patiently for it to open.
"Come in!" Kassandra called from inside, not wanting to answer the door.
"Hi." he greeted, stepping into her room, closing the door behind him.
"Didn't think you'd come back already, huh?" She grinned teasingly.

"Nope." He chuckled, coming over to her side of the bed. "Not at all."
Kassandra glanced up at him curiously. She raised her eyebrows at him, and he returned the look.
"What?" She questioned, looking confused.
"How do you do that?" he asked, pointing at her hair.
"Do what?"
"How do you make it so messy?" he said, grabbing a handful of her hair and shaking it around.
"Stop it!" She yelled.
Spirou released her hair and began running his fingers through it, tucking any stray strands behind her ear.
She blushed furiously and pulled the covers closer to herself as he brushed his fingers through her hair once more.
he smiled happily as he continued brushing her hair gently. "What else?" He wondered aloud.
"Wipe that smile off your face." She mumbled, burying her face into the pillow.
"Never mind."

Spirou laughed loudly, pulling his hands out from her hair.
"What are you laughing at?" She grumbled angrily.
"You." He responded simply.
"Me?" She repeated, raising her eyebrow.
"Yeah." He nodded his head.
"You're cute." He shrugged.
"I'm not cute." She scoffed.
"You are." He insisted.
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Are not-"
He cut her off with his lips before she could even finish her sentence, silencing her protests instantly. His lips pressed against hers roughly and he wrapped his free arm
around her waist, pressing her back against the mattress.
Kassandra blinked, shocked by how sudden the kiss was. But then, almost at once, she realized that it had been a while since she had last kissed someone - and that feeling she had only experienced in the dreams made her heart race rapidly, and she couldn't help but giggle into the kiss.
Spirou broke away from the kiss quickly after realizing what he had done. "What?" he asked in astonishment.
"Sorry, it was just funny." She admitted sheepishly.
"Why?" He asked.
"Just surprised me that's all. That was kind of unexpected."
"Cause you just kissed me."
"Oh, is that what that was?" He smirked.
"Yeah." She shook her head, rolling her eyes.
"You didn't seem very surprised, so I assumed you knew we were going to kiss. Besides, why wouldn't I kiss you?"
"Because of all the other times before." she said casually.
"Yeah. Why?"

"I don't know." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I've never really kissed anyone before."
she furrowed her brows, thinking of what else she could possibly say to him.
"So.. are we dating now?" he asked hesitantly.
"Then will you be my girlfriend?" He smirked widely, showing his crooked grin.
She snorted. "You're such an idiot."
He laughed slightly as they both laid down on her bed, cuddling close together. "We're boyfriends, then?"
"Yeah." She murmured.
"Kassandra? Are you awake yet?"
She groaned and turned over in her sleep. "Go away."
"Kassandra." He repeated louder.
She opened her eyes slowly and glared at Spirou who was standing above her. "What?"
"Didn't I tell you to go away?"
he rolled his eyes. "Yes, but you don't listen to me."
"You always wake me up." She pointed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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