chapter 7

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After making her way across the dark hallway and stepping through the doorway of her bedroom, she shut the door as quietly as possible to prevent anyone else from hearing her. Then, she immediately jumped in shock when she saw her bed empty. She quickly checked every corner of the room, even climbing onto her bed.
Nothing was in sight except for a note that was lying innocently on the floor next to her desk. She picked it up, read it carefully, then crumbled it into a ball before hurling it toward the trash can on her other side of the room.
She walked over to her desk and began rummaging through the papers lying carelessly on the surface. As she picked through them, her brow furrowed slightly. There was no note from Spirou; instead, there were a few scribbled messages scattered all over the page.
she shook her head as she scanned through the notes. He really needed to work on his handwriting. This one was written by someone unfamiliar.
After finishing the papers, she took a seat on the chair, folding her arms across her chest.
Her eyes slowly traveled around the empty room. She hated being there all by herself. At times, people would stare at her for no apparent reason
at all and she didn't like that very much.
It was almost midnight when Kassandra decided to check on Spirou again.
He was curled up into a tight little ball, snoring peacefully. He was asleep with his mouth slightly open.
she thought as she sighed softly, looking at him sadly.
she slowly made her way toward the bed.
Kassandra bent forward and kissed his forehead tenderly. "Sweet dreams." She whispered before slowly rising from her knees and placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
Then, she slipped out of his room silently closing the door behind her as she left.

Once she made her way down the stairs to the first floor, her footsteps echoing loudly against the wooden floors.
She stepped outside and closed the door slowly, listening for any sound inside.
When she didn't hear any noise from behind her, she headed back upstairs to her bedroom.
Once she reached her room, she dropped onto her bed exhausted. Once she laid down, she wrapped her arms tightly around herself as tears threatened to spill from her brown eyes. A sudden urge washed over her to scream and yell and cry out all her frustrations, her sadness, her fear. However, she stopped herself.
she reminded herself firmly.
Instead, she rolled on her side, curling herself up tightly. The tears continued to spill from her eyes. It was hard, but she tried her hardest to suppress her sobs so as not to wake up Spirou or the other members.
After hours of tossing and turning restlessly on her bed, she couldn't handle it anymore.

She heard someone knocking on the door.
she realized.
she groaned inwardly.
Kassandra climbed slowly to her feet. She wiped her eyes hastily before answering the door. Upon opening the door, she froze instantly, staring in shock and surprise. Standing in front of her, clad only in his boxers, was Spirou.
"Did I wake you up?" He smiled sheepishly.
Kassandra gulped. "" She stuttered.
He gave her a smile. "Oh good. So, you're okay."
A nervous chuckle escaped her lips. "Y..yeah I'm okay," She managed to mumble out in between sobs.
"I brought you something."
Kassandra snapped out of her thoughts. She blinked twice. "You what?" she asked, completely confused.
"I brought you something." He repeated himself, reaching into his pocket.
she raised an eyebrow. "You brought me something?" she asked, surprised.
Spirou nodded his head enthusiastically and grinned excitedly.
Kassandra tilted her head in confusion. "And what exactly would that be?"
"I got you this!" he announced, handing a package to her.
Kassandra looked at it curiously as she pulled it from his grasp.
she thought incredulously.
she stared at the small, black box.
she slowly opened it, pulling out a black locket adorned with silver and a white stone. It was simple, elegant, but somehow striking.
she ran her fingers along the smooth surface of the locket. "Thanks. You didn't have to get me anything." she said, smiling weakly.
"It was the least I could do after everything you've done for me." He said. "And besides, you always liked these kind of things, anyway, so..." He shrugged, giving her a sheepish grin. "You should treasure it while you have it."
"Thank you."
"Anytime." He grinned at her.
Kassandra glanced away, unable to hold his gaze.
she thought.
"But why did you bring me here.. And who is that man you were speaking with?" He inquired suddenly.
she blinked owlishly. "He's just a friend." She replied.
"Is that so?" he asked skeptically.
"Yes." She nodded.
"Well, I suppose I should leave you to rest now." He said, standing up.
"Yeah..." She agreed.
"Goodnight, Kassandra." he said, walking towards the door.
"Goodnight." She replied softly.
As he exited her room, she listened as the door shut.
she stayed sitting on the edge of her bed, holding the locket in her hands. she gently ran her fingers over the cool metal.
The sound of the wind outside filled her room. She gazed out the window beside her bed, feeling a slight breeze brushing against her face.
A sudden knock on the door startled her as she quickly lowered the locket from her neck, letting it fall down her shirt.
Kassandra walked over to the door and opened it slightly. She gasped lightly, seeing a figure standing in the entrance of the hallway outside.
"Sorry, did I bother you?" Spirou questioned nervously.
"No." Kassandra replied quickly, pulling him inside, shutting the door behind her.
"Oh, thank god," He breathed out in relief.
"Why are you here?" she asked, trying to control her breathing which was getting heavy due to her nerves.
"I couldn't sleep." He admitted sheepishly.
"Neither could I." She agreed softly.
"Are you okay?" He asked, concern evident in his expression.
"Uh yeah…yeah, I am." She paused awkwardly for a moment. "I mean, why wouldn't I be?" She chuckled nervously. "I'm pretty sure I look like bad."
Spirou laughed softly. "You look fine. In fact, you actually look better than usual."
"That's not saying much, considering my current condition." she muttered bitterly.
"Hey.. Don't say things like that." He chastised gently.
"Whatever, I don't feel great. I don't want to go back to sleep just yet."
"I understand. I'll take the couch tonight, if you don't mind."
Kassandra shook her head. "Okay, but don't stay too late, alright? It's already past 11."
Spirou nodded his head. "Got it." He grabbed one of his pillows from her bed and tossed it on the couch without bothering to change out of his clothes. He then turned off the light in her room and began shuffling to his bedroom.
Kassandra watched as he disappeared into her room. After he had gone, she leaned up against the wall, sighing deeply. She ran her hand through her short pale blonde hair as she rubbed her temples tiredly.
"Damn it…" she cursed under her breath as she felt another wave of dizziness sweep through her, taking her off guard.

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