Fight or Flight

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(Ep 7 - The Bathtub)                                                                                                                      Saturday, November 12th, 1983                                                                                          Caytlinn's POV

Dustin helped me clean the cut, while Mike was helping El. We were sitting in the quiet when the radio in my backpack went crazy. I snatched my backpack and answered the radio. It was Lucas.

"Cay. Listen... I'm sorry. But I think we're in deep shit!" Lucas broke up.

"Lucas? Are you okay? Lucas? Over?" I repeated.

"Bad shit...bad shit!"

Dustin ran to the bathroom before being followed by Mike and El. They ran over to me, and I held the radio up. Lucas was getting cut in and out because he was out of range.

"Lucas, if you can hear this. Slow down," Mike instructed. "We can't understand you!"

"Yes. Copy! Do you? Eleven! Get out of there! They know...Eleven! The men are...! All of them! Do you hear me? The ma...dme...n are coming!" Lucas broke up.

"Mad Men. Mean anything to you?" Dustin asked, confused by what Lucas was saying.

"Maybe like a code name or something?"

"The bad men are coming!" Lucas shot into the radio, but this time it was clear.

"Bad men...Bad men!" Mike figured it out, before looking at us. "Stay here!"

He ran upstairs and Dustin followed. I stayed with El and the radio, just in case Lucas made contact again. El looked at me with innocent eyes and I told her it was going to be okay.

"Get your shit together. We're leaving the country!" Dustin shouted as he ran downstairs.

"We're not leaving the country! That's a cover story!" Mike shouted.

We all grabbed our things and ran to our bikes. Dustin put on his headset, and I held my radio in hand. We all ran our bikes up the side part of the house until there was an even amount of grass to hop on. There were several men in black overcoats staring at us. There was a man with white hair also with them.

"Go! Go! GO!" Dustin shouted.

"Just keep in touch. I'll go the other way!" I shouted, turning around.



I biked down the other side and circled the house. I pedaled as fast as I could. I was able to get onto the street when I realized that there were a couple of white trucks following me. I drove onto the grass and down a hill into the city. I skidded to a halt in front of the police station. I dropped my bike and was about to run inside when I saw the white truck again. There was no time to tell the police. I would either be abducted by these strange men or killed by them.

"Shit...shit...shit!" I shouted, picking my bike up again and getting on.

I started to bike and got onto one of the streets. I glanced back to see that the truck was still following me.

Steve's POV

Carol, Tommy, and Nicole were spray painting the side of the movie theater in the alley. We had finished Nancy's and Tommy was writing Byers is a perv.

"Tommy, you write like a three-year-old, Caytlinn does your handwriting better than you do," Carol laughed.

"Shut up,"

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