Rufus - 8:16 a.m.

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I wake up, wondering why it's so light outside and I'm pretty sure I'm delusional right now. I look over to see Mateo still sleeping, curled up, his hair falling so perfectly on his pillow. It's like the train earlier today. I want to look back at our memories before our last day ends so I scroll back to the ones of Mateo on the bus. God, I took a lot of pictures. I turn to Mateo again comparing the one of him in the photo to him right now and I can't believe that I fell in love with this kid in less than a day. Why couldn't we have had longer? This fucking sucks. I look up from Mateo and realize the clock on his nightstand reads 8:17 a.m. Seriously, what is happening to me? Turning back to my phone I realize the time on there actually reads 8:17 a.m. as well. While I know Mateo would kill me for leaving our little safe harbor we've created in his bed, I leave to make sure I'm not going insane. And even if this was true, I wouldn't be able to believe it. 

All the clocks, the stove, microwave, and analog ones that I noticed in Mateo's apartment all read 8:18 am. This has to be a joke. An actual joke. Who the hell was miserable enough to do this to me, to us? In fact they're probably going to kill me any second now. This is how I die because there's no way in fucking hell that me and Mateo were the special ones to survive Death-Cast's predictions. 

I sprint back to Mateo to make sure this psycho hasn't killed him before me. I put a hand over Mateo's heart to find that it's thankfully still beating. 

My phone reads 8:20 a.m. now. 

Then 8:23 a.m. 

Then 8:30 a.m. 

I don't know whether to laugh or cry or fucking scream because the reality of it all has finally settled in. I'm alive. We're alive. And its's 8:32 a.m., on September 6th. 

Mateo x Rufus (if they beat the system)Where stories live. Discover now