Chapter V

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I gathered all the books which were included in Lalalie's syllabus.

Seeing the mountain of books, I can understand why people haven't been able to complete it. Luckily, I have been reading and studying these consistently.

It would be hard to suddenly catch up with the huge syllabus. Even though he said we shouldn't wait, we'll definitely have to wait for next year considering how he hasn't been keeping up.

No... I shouldn't complaint. Gallahan giving Lalalie another try is exactly what I wanted all along.

I quickly started arranging the study material. Since I scheduled our session during noon, I asked for the maids to have our lunch served in my office when it was time for a break.

I was soon distracted by a knock on the door. Gallahan walked inside with a bright 'hello'.

I greeted him back and motioned him to have a seat. Without anymore wait, he sat down as I handed him the list of books in the syllabus with the first book in the list.

He glanced at the list once and kept it back on the table and starting reading the first book. I carefully examined him as he read the book.

His reading speed is great.... Is he really reading or just moving his eyes around?

He was half way done with the third page and it's not been a whole minute since he started!

It was at that moment that I thanked myself for being patient and waiting for Gallahan.

This was what I wanted after all! To see Gallahan's true intellectual and academic abilities. To compete against him. It's finally happening! A sudden ray of motivation crawled on my skin as I took a book to start reading too. It would be embarrassing if I backtracked. I need to study hard too if I want to be Gallahan's rival.

As we were completely focused in reading, we didn't pay any heed to the time. It only crossed our mind when Gallahan was done with his first book which was five hundred and forty pages long.

"Finally done! I'm hungry! How long has it been?" Gallahan asked as he laid his head on the desk.

"It been three hours. We skipped our lunch time.... How? I had an alarm in case, we forget to eat...."

Gallahan smirked as he laid his chin on his palm.

"It seems we were too immersed with our studies that we completely ignored the alarm."

How? This hasn't happened before.... I am always aware of what goes around in my surroundings.... Was I so absorbed in the book that even I ignored the alarm....

This guy.... He is dangerous.... To think just one session has enticed me so deep..... I smirked back.

"It seems so. Well... How about a lupper?" His eyes held a mischievous glint.

"Of course, Clerivan." His voice was as sweet as honey as my name rolled off his tongue.

Truly dangerous......

I immediately called for the maids to serve our lunch. In just a few minutes, we were served our food.

Gallahan had a very strict diet considering he was very sickly in his early ages. He was thinner than most men and as pale as a ghost. Since he didn't excercise or participate in any particular sport, his appetite was limited.

When I first arrived at Lombardi, there were rumours about his constant sickness. Even ones about his feminine appearance and timid behaviour. In fact, the head Rulac Lombardi even received multiple marriage requests from both male and female for Gallahan's hand.

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