Everyone got out, Morito immediately running to my side and hugging me. He leaned down, whispering in my ear. "I got the poison you asked for... are we really doing this?"

I nodded, returning the hug and replying just as quietly. "Yes. I started microdosing last night with the new poison. Straight into the bloodstream."

Morito looked at me sadly, nodding in understandment. "Love you, Y/n."

"Love you, too, Goofball." I said, shoving him lightly and lightening the mood as we stepped in.

I immediately pulled Morito through the house and into my room, locking the door before anyone could follow and completely masking our presence. I was happy to still see my candles scattered around the room.

"How toxic is it?" I asked, making my way over to my desk with the new files he handed me. I opened a side drawer, throwing a new, but closed box knife at him. "My other one got discovered after last night."

"Is that why Gyutaro was attached to your hip?" Morito teased, opening the box cutter and applying some of the poison to its blade.

I scoffed. "Yeah. Had to create a lie on the spot, and I know I can do that quite easily, but I hate dishonesty. Especially with people I care about. I hated it." I heard Morito laugh behind me, sitting on my bed as he measured the amount. I opened the files, glancing over them.

Experiment 002: Michikatsu Tsugikuni.

Species: human

Eye color: dark purple

Hair color: black

Whereabouts: basement


Experiment 002: Kokushibo (Michikatsu Tsugikuni)

Species: demon

Eye color: gold with red sclera

Hair color: black with red tips

Whereabouts: Unavailable Ward

A sharp sting made its way through my body, causing me to jolt. I looked down, seeing Morito had rolled my leggings up and was cutting into my calf lightly. "How lethal is that poison?"

"Since you've been micro-dosing for a while- and don't try to deny it, it's quite obvious- you won't feel a thing. Maybe sleepiness, but you can just play it off as an emotional-roller-coaster type of day." Morito replied, pausing for a second. "Why exactly are you doing this?"

"Because this is going to end one of two ways. She dies, or I die. And I'll be damned if she thinks she'll get a free meal out of my dead body." I growled, opening a different file as he moved to continue cutting into my leg.

Experiment Risk Factors:

-Death; 0% chance (only experimented on 3 people, all 3 survived)

-Memory loss; 66% chance (2/3)

-Disorientation; 100% chance (3/3)

-Mental illnesses/issues; 33% chance (1/3)

-Trauma; 100% chance (3/3)

-PTSD; 0% chance (no signs shown)

-Flashbacks; 100% chance (3/3)

-Anxiety; 0% (no signs shown)

-Loss of emotions; 33% chance (1/3)

-Suppression of powers; 33% chance (1/3)

-Bloodlust; 66% chance (2/3)

-Power-overload; 66% chance (2/3)

-Shock 100% chance (3/3)

-Sudden outbursts/drawbacks; 33% chance (1/3)

"Fuck." I cussed, Morito pulling away instantly.

"Are you okay? I didn't press too hard, did I?" He questioned in a rush, looking over my bloodied legs.

"No, no. It's not you. A risk from getting experimented on is memory loss." I explained, rubbing my temples. "It says two out of the three experi- three?" I reread the paper. "Morito, was there another file on the third experiment?"

"No, but I think Kuji will remember you." Morito smiled up at me.

"How would you know that?" I said with a pointed look. Morito simply shrugged, going back to what he was previously doing. He's not telling me something. Nothing dangerous or deadly, but something... "Y'know... I thought I just mentioned I hate dishonesty, Mori."

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