Sick Day (Upstead)

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 "Paul Ryan, 39, multiple priors, got out of prison 4 months ago after serving a 10 year sentence for assault and hasn't been on anyone's radar until now" Kevin says looking at Kim to continue

 "We got him on POD cams robbing a jewelry store, then running out and pulling a woman out of her car but in the back you can see a child seat and a little girl as he drives off " Kim says pointing to the pictures 

"Alright Kim, Ruz, and Kevin, go speak with the jewelry store owners and other people around, see if there are any witnesses. Jay and Hailey go speak with the victim. Antonio, you and me" Voight said and they all left. 

On the drive to the victim's house, Jay noticed that Hailey kept sniffling every couple of minutes, rubbing at her nose and forehead, and squinting her eyes. "Hey, are you feeling ok?" Jay asked "Yeah I'm fi- achoo, achoo" she says as she sneezed twice "Wanna try again? " Jay says "I'm fine, just allergies I promise" she says sniffling again "You keep squinting your eyes and your voice sounds weird, are you sure you're not getting sick? " he asks, he would've tried to see if she had a fever if he wasn't driving "Probably just from last night, I promise I'm fine Jay" she says clearing her throat again "But you would tell me if you weren't right? " he said worried "Yes" she said leaving Jay unconvinced but he decided to drop it. 

They made it to the victim's house and got all the information needed to try and find their suspect. They got back to the district and relayed the information they found to the rest of the team, as did Kim, Ruzek, and Kevin. 

After that, everyone got to work trying to fit everything so they could find Paul. Over time, Hailey started to feel worse and started to think maybe she did have a fever, but ultimately just thought it was a little hot in the bullpen.  Hailey was working on her computer when "Achoo, achoo, achoo, achoo"" Hailey then grabbed a couple tissues off her desk and blew her nose.  A chorus of 'Bless you' went around the bullpen "Jeez Upton, you ok?" Adam says turning around "Mhm" she says annoyed, throwing away her tissues.

"Upton, you good" Voight said when he came out of his office after hearing her

"All good Sarge" she said trying to give a convincing smile

"Do you need to go home?" he asked seeing how bad she looks 

"No, just allergies I promise. I'm good sarge" she said, really hoping Voight didn't send her home

Voight wasn't convinced with how bad her voice sounded but let her stay anyways "At least ride the desk the rest of the day, don't want to make things worse" he says going back in his office "Copy" she says disappointed but happy she wasn't being sent home. Jay looked at her worried but she gave him a look that said 'drop it' and they went back to working. Around lunchtime, Adam and Jay were nominated to go get lunch for everyone. They got everyone's orders and headed out leaving Kim, Kevin, Hailey, and Voight in the bullpen. A little while later, Kevin stepped out to take a call, Antonio was out meeting with a CI, and Voight was in his office on the phone with the door closed. Kim decided to take a break since they were waiting for lunch to come. She was on her phone when she heard a weird noise. She looked around until she landed on Hailey, who was asleep. She went over to her and as soon as she stood next to her she could hear how congested her breathing was, she almost sounded like she was snoring. 

"Hailey, Hails wake up" Kim said, rubbing Hailey's back. Hailey slowly woke up.

 "Huh, what's wrong?" she asked sniffling

 "I just wanted to see if you were ok" she says, handing Hailey a tissue 

"Thanks, I'm ok just nodded off" she said as she blew her nose.

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