Oh alpha is taking me to meet the rest of the pack Taehyun says. Really that's good since your going to be our Luna Soobin says. Okay, can I ask you a question Taehyun ask? Yes of course, what's up Soobin says. How do I become the Luna of this pack Taehyun ask? Oh you and Beomgyu have to mate but you two already mated during your heat so you are basically already Luna but don't worry Beomgyu will show you the ropes Soobin says.

Oh okay, it's because at the pack I am from we have a ritual and than we have to get married to our alpha Taehyun says. Wait you guys have to get married to become head alpha and Luna Soobin ask? Yup so this is new to me but I like it Taehyun says with a smile.

That's good I'm glad you like it Soobin says. Tyun you ready to go Beomgyu ask? Yes I am Taehyun says. Okay than let's go sweetheart Beomgyu says and they both leave.

Wow this is so beautiful Taehyun says as he admires the packs nature. I know right but anyway I think it's time you meet the rest of the pack Beomgyu says. Okay Taehyun says as they keep walking.

Hey Yoonjae who is that, that the head alpha is talking to Soohyun ask? I don't know but I'm pretty sure he is an Omega and god he is gorgeous. We should go introduce ourselves Yoonjae says. Yeah your right let's go Soohyun says and follows Yoonjae. Hello beautiful my name is Yoonjae and I'm a alpha Yoonjae says with a smile. Oh and my name is Soohyun, I'm also an Alpha Soohyun says shyly. Oh it's nice to meet you guys, I'm Kang Taehyun and I'm soon to be your Luna Taehyun says with a smile.

Wait your gonna be our Luna Yoonjae ask surprised? Yes he is, he is my mate after all and I don't want any of you touching him. I am the only one who can touch him got it Beomgyu says sternly. Yes Head Alpha Yoonjae says. Okay good just know if I see or hear that any of you touched what is mine. Trust me something bad will happen to you Beomgyu says with a deep voice.

Okay Head alpha Soohyun says and Yoonjae and him walk away. Man the head Alpha is really scary when it comes to his omega Yoonjae says.

Soohyun come here for a minute will you Beomgyu says. Yes of course Soohyun says and goes to Beomgyu. Now since I know you are not a flirt like Yoonjae over there, whenever your Luna comes out here I want you to keep him company but do remember he is my omega and I am trusting you to keep him safe Beomgyu says. Yes Head Alpha Soohyun says and walks back to Yoonjae.

What did he say to you Yoonjae ask? He said whenever our Luna comes out here alone, he wants me to keep him company and to keep him safe Soohyun says. Lucky you get to become besties with the Luna. I doubt the head alpha will let me talk to him Yoonjae says.

Alpha I can take care of myself when I come out here, you didn't have to scare the poor little alpha Taehyun says. I want to keep you safe and knowing some of these alpha's are big flirts and will do anything for an omega to become theirs, even if you are their Luna. So it is my position to keep you safe unless you wanna be mean to them, than by all means go ahead and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have the guts to flirt or talk to you Beomgyu says. But I like being nice Alpha Taehyun says.

Since you like being nice, you get a bodyguard when you come out here because like I said I don't trust any of these alpha's and Soohyun will show me that I can trust him with you, while I watch him secretly Beomgyu says. Okay Alpha Taehyun says. Hi welcome Luna, my name is Taejun I am a omega and this is my mate Junho who is an alpha Taejun says with a smile. Hi it's nice to meet you guys but please just call me Taehyun Taehyun says with a warm smile. Yes of course Luna Taehyun Taejun says.

Thank you Taehyun says. Love let's get going Beomgyu says. Okay it turns out I must be going now. Thank you for your warm welcome Taehyun says with a little smile. Yes of course Luna Taehyun Taejun says and Taehyun and Beomgyu go back to the house. Alpha are you okay Taehyun ask? Yes I'm okay but Tyun baby your scent smells stronger Beomgyu says.  It does are you sure Alpha Taehyun ask nervously? Yes my love I am sure Beomgyu says smelling the omega's neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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