Chapter 3: Mastermind

Start from the beginning

Mix rolled his eyes but made no move to rebut the claim. It was the general truth but he was sure that many people out there had more important things to care than giving a fuck about single rich man searching for his mate. Still, even if he argued about this, what will he get from it? So he just showed his disapproval from his facial expression.

Earth ignored his expression but still didn't push the debated issue. "Whatever. Literally not the point why I came here," he diverted the topic. He thought it was better to address the elephant in the room than prolonged it further.

He can't help from letting out a deep sigh, "You know that this is a huge scandal right? There were many paparazzis out of my house this morning and I would like to know how you want to approach this subject,".

Mix did not try to reply, just watching Earth with his wide eyes. Earth cannot lie that Mix has the prettiest eyes he had ever seen, they look shiny as if there were a whole universe stored in it. They looked innocent but yet calculating.

As he was busy the shorter male's observing face, which was equal to appreciating the delicate slope of the other's nose, and the rosiness of the cheeks before turning his gaze towards the cute natural pink lips, very kissable lips mind you.

"I think we should continue to pretend dating,"

Damn, that broke his brain. Earth's face contorted in confusion, his herbally scent became stronger because of the stress. He has never been more confused ever in his life.

"What?" Mix quipped his left brow.

Earth looked at him as if he lost his head. Which is fair as he was also surprised by his own idea but he really had been thinking it through(kinda).

"I don't understand. Why would you want to do that?" the taller asked.

Mix shrugged, "I want to make my mom happy and you want to ward off love suitors so it's a win-win situation,". If he can make his mother shut up about finding love before he dies then why not? He can cross this off from his bucket list while making his mother believes her little dying son was loved dearly by someone before it's too late. It's like killing two birds with one stone.

Earth fell quiet. He did not say anything as a reply so Mix just let him take his time. But Earth was still staring at him but now his eyes were more calculative instead of those soft gaze he gave before.

The other opened his mouth, then close it again and opened it to reply, "Fine. Whatever. It's not like I have anything to lose,".

It caught Mix off guard. He did proposed the idea but it did not mean he expected Earth to accept it readily, he hoped for positive reply but he also did not expect one.

"But, since we are doing this. We'll do it properly. Right now we are going to reintroduce ourselves but out there we will say we had been seeing each other for maybe two months and we met at one of those shitty charity events," Earth added.

Mix laughed awkwardly, that plan would be a straight up lie.

"That's going to be a problem though, I never went to any event before last night,"

"But if you never made any appearance then how do people know you?"

"They know my name and my face I think? It's not like I was a hundred percent being sheltered or anything so there were some pictures of me on my brothers's accounts and of course I still exist on any social media,"

"Waaww.. you did nothing but your fame is something else," Earth said, in amusement and disbelief. It was common knowledge that if anyone wants get fame in their society, you just need to work for it. Buy the most expensive shit, do the most extravagant gestures but definitely not just by simply existing.

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