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I don't think I've ever wanted to kiss anyone as much as I do right now, right at this very moment. We were finally alone, and Jason was as breath taking as usual. I had to force my eyes down, to look upon the cracked tile. Such an odd sight, after watching the beautiful boy.

"Well, whatt'ya want to do now?" His voice was crisp, as he watched me now. His turn. We had just waved off our mum, said our goodbyes, and good wishes for the cruise.

"I can cook, if you want?" My eyes had come up once more, to meet with his own, giving a sweet smile.

This was soon diminished by his smartass comment, which I knew was coming, "Alex, I've known you for almost all of my life, and I know damned well you can't cook."

This came with a retort from myself, which I couldn't help, "Maybe I learned."

Of course, an eye roll. Sometimes I acted like the oldest one, I swear to you. I was half expecting this next action as well, since he always seemed to do it. Yet I never got used to it. Or rather, I never got tired of it. Jason curled his index and middle fingers of both hands around my two front belt loops, drawing me closer, so our chests were practically touching, well, they were. I tried my hardest not to let my breathing hitch, but it did anyways.

Sometimes I wonder if my brother knows how fond I am of him, and it's from simple gestures like this which confuse me, as to if he felt the same. My cheeks heated up, and I soon felt his soft lips on my cheek, before he pulled away, a crooked smile on his lips.

"Is my little brother blushing?" Yeah, it didn't take a fucking genius to figure that one out.

"Shut up." This time, it was my turn to add the sardonic eye roll, wriggling from his grasp. "I'm ordering pizza." This wasn't a question, as I knew how much he loved the cheesy, and usually greasy food.


It was here within a matter of thirty minutes or so (I remember this, because if you get it and it comes to you either cold, or over thirty minutes, you got it free). We- I- paid, thanked the woman who had delivered it, and closed the door. Turning around with the box was like going into a shark tank with a hunk of meat, I swear.

 If only my brother looked at me like he did that pizza. 

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