"I'M NOT THAT DUMB." naruto immediately countered, folding his arms. choji and sasuke just laughed at them, watching the annoyed look on naruto's face. "well... what'd you say?" sasuke asked, his eyebrow raised.

"i told her she's cute, and sadly i'm not stalking her." naruto put a thumbs up, watching his three friends just blankly stare at him. "sometimes i wonder how you get bitches, maybe you put voodoo on them or somethin'..." choji mumbled, his eyebrows furrowing.

"don't hate the player, hate the game. anyways, she told me not so say things like that to strangers and i asked about her piercings and stuff la dee da, anyways i got her instagram and she followed me back. but like when i looked up from my phone she was gone." naruto explained, obviously really confused on how the girl got away THAT fast.

"she just walk's really fast." shikamaru shrugged as he sealed a blunt. naruto just blankly stared at shikamaru, his lips forming a thin line, "were you really just rolling while i was telling you my afternoon recap—"

"hell yeah." shikamaru rolled his eyes. "that's just y/n. i think aimi got her to come today too." he mentioned, making naruto's eyes widen. "she did? thats surprising.." choji mumbled as he ate some chips.

"were you all just doing whatever you wanted while i was doing my recap?? fuck y'all. do you know where she is?" naruto asked as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. choji pointed towards the kitchen, where the redhead was standing.

unlike earlier that day, she was wearing camo cargo pants and a black cropped sweater. she was smoking a blunt while using her phone, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"thanks choji, i'll buy you some ramen tomorrow." naruto patted his shoulder before approaching the [color]skinned girl. as he got closer, he noticed she seemed to be singing along to the music blasting inside the house. the song was traphouse, naruto recognized it from shikamarus playlist. she seemed really into it too, not paying attention to her surroundings.

"you like this song?" naruto asked y/n, a grin appearing on his face when he saw her jump after hearing his voice. y/n slowly turned to look at him, she was debating on if she should clock him in his shit or not. "yeah. are you sure you aren't stalking me?" y/n's eyebrow raised as she pressed the blunt to her lips once again, taking a hit from it.

"i'm not. yet. lemme get a hit." naruto smiled at her, leaning against the counter. he liked how unserious she was outside of studying. anytime he noticed her she was deep into a textbook or some type of work, seeing her actually dressed up a bit and laid back actually made him feel something. she was pretty. she blew the smoke out her mouth then examined the blunt before looking back up at him.

"i got my lipgloss in it." she told him, referring to the wrapping paper. "so? you don't wanna share an indirect kiss with your favorite stranger?" he asked teasingly, watching an annoyed look appear on her face. "who said you're my favorite? whatever, here." y/n sighed, her face softening as she handed him the blunt.

naruto just smiled, his eyes not leaving hers as he took a hit from it. "you're a creep." y/n informed him, her [color] orbs not leaving his sky blue ones as he blew the smoke out his mouth. "i think the universe wants us to be friends." naruto shrugged, his head tilting as he examined the whites of her eyes that were slightly red.

"are you delusional?"

"for you, yeah."

"your jokes aren't funny."

"since we have the same classes i was wondering if you could help me study." naruto finally blurted out, not wanting to beat around the bush. he wanted to get to know y/n, she was intriguing, and his grades were atrocious right now, so why not ask for her help?

"...fine, creep." y/n stood up straight, stretching. "i'll text you the details, don't stand me up. well you can't, i'll just find you since i'm your stalker." naruto cheesed while y/n's eyebrows furrowed as she mean mugged him, her bottom lip poking out slightly. "nigga stop playin' before i gotta call 12." she told him.

naruto just took another hit from her blunt before handing it back, the smoke leaving his mouth once again at the same time. "don't do that, i already have a search warrant from my last victim." he joked as he stood up straight as well, that cheeky grin still on his face. she rolled her eyes, her hand moving to his lips and wiping her lip gloss off them.

"thanks. see you, y/n." he waved as he exited the kitchen, leaving the [color]skinned girl there to contemplate about her recent decision. should she really help that weirdo with his work? honestly he sounds like he's really about to kill her but he's so unserious about it, so she doesn't believe it.

y/n think's he's interesting. very interesting.

"heyyyyyy n/n! who was that? don't tell me you finally picked up some nigga and i wasn't here to see..." aimi frowned as she walked up to her bestfriend. "nah, just the stalker guy." y/n replied casually as she put out the blunt on a random ash tray.

"THAT WAS HIM? and you're saying that so casually, don't do that." aimi scolded y/n, her arms folding as she looked at her. she was like the mom of the friend group, always giving the best advice but never following it herself. hypocrite.

"we're acquainted now, he's not really my stalker it's just a joke between us. he play too much." y/n rolled her eyes as she thought about the random things naruto would say. though she couldn't help but smile.

"...yeah okay. now c'mere, i hear some twerk songs and i needa see you shake some ass for the one time." aimi exclaimed as she took y/n's hand, dragging her off to where everyone was dancing. she honestly did not give her any time to protest about it either.


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