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Minji grabbed Hanni's arm and dragged her towards the parking lot outside where a BMW was parked.

Hanni tried to resist but Minji's hand gripped her tightly.

Once they were near the car Minji opened the passenger side door.

"Get in" Minji said in a cold voice.

Hanni hesitate but got in anyways. Then Minji walked around the car and got in to the driver's seat.

"Put on you seat belt" Minji commanded while buckling up.

"Where do you live? "

"********, ******** apartment 15"

Soon, Hanni fell asleep in the car.

After reaching to the destination Minji realised Hanni was already sleeping. Minji then carefully carried Hanni not wanting to wake her up.

Time skips

Hanni slowly woke up on her. She felt a warm body on top of her and big hands around the waist.

"Minji? "

Minji rose up. Without a word Minji got off Hanni.

"You fell asleep in the car so I bought you up and maybe next time don't leave your key under the door mat it's to obvious " Minji said while adjusting herself.

Why was Minji sleeping on top of me and why does she care so much? Hanni thought to herself.

" Now hurry up and finish my work"Minji ordered.


Hanni flipped through the pages revising for her history test and at the same time working on Minji's laptop writing her essay. She has been working for about 4hours and Minji has been just resting on her bed drinking and scrolling through her phone.

Hanni wanted to tell Minji to not drink in her house but she was to afraid.

Another 2 hours past

Hanni was finally done but Minji didn't bother moving from her spot. Hanni turned back only to see Minji fully drunk lying on the bed her eyes closed and 5 cans of alcohol on the bed. Hanni walked towards the bed.

"Minji I am done with the essay you can go home"

Surprisingly, Minji pulled Hanni on top of her. Hanni was to stunned to speak. Their lips were just about 1mm away. Without hesitation Minji closed the gap in between.

Sorry for not updating for a while I was busy reading. Idk where this story is going some of it doesn't make sense because I didnt re read it.

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