Concert date

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"Hey come to the concert with me tonight instead of being stuck in the hotel room." You looked up from your phone at Yeonjun speaking to you.

"Me?" You point to yourself and look around the hotel gym. 

"Who else would I be asking?" He raises his eyebrow and pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue while crossing his arms.

"Um... I don't know that might not be a good idea... isn't Taehyun supposed to go with you?" You looked around hoping to see a staff member or one of the other boys but you two literally were the only two in that gym.

"He is going but we have an extra ticket so come with us!" You try to avoid his gaze but it was hard when he could read you like a book.

"Okay fine but let me go to my room now since I have no idea if I even have an outfit to wear." You stand up and make your way to the elevator.

Rummaging through your clothes on a video call with your other best friend you finally decided on a simple yet funky outfit. You check the time and start getting ready knowing it's going to take you a bit longer.

"You ready?" Yeonjun walks in to you struggling to tie your shirt.

"Can you help me?" You ask him followed by a frustrated sigh.

"Yes come here" he chuckles waving you over.

You stood in front of him as he wrapped his arm around your waist to grab the string that had moved to your stomach when you released them. He pulls them back and begins tying a bow. You lift your hair to show him the string around your neck that was loosely tied.

"Since I am here helping you I want to ask you something for tonight. It's that okay?" You hesitate but nod.

"Yeah what do you need?" You ask reaching forward to get your mesh cover up once he was done helping you tie everything.

"I want to go as a date us two. So like holding hands dancing together the whole thing. I know how skeptical you are but I... I really want to do this with you." You slowly turn around to look at him scared that he was trying to pull some weird joke on you.

"What about the rest of the boys? And all the staff that will be there?" You asked with a sprinkle of pink on your cheeks from blushing.

"I talked to them and they all said it was a good idea and that I should. It's not everyday I get an opportunity like this." You nod and reach for his hand tangling your fingers with his.

"Are we ready to go?" He smiles then takes his bottom lip between his teeth as he takes a deep breathe in relief.

You got to the concert and were looking around at first trying to feel the vibe and atmosphere around you. You stopped at a booth to get drink and as you waited for the drinks to be handed to you Yeonjun pulled you back into him and wrapped his arm around your waist hand resting on hip with your back pressed up against him.

"Are you sure you want just water?" He asked as the guy behind the booth hands him a water bottle and a beer.

"Yeah I am not into beer so I'll be okay" he nods and we proceed to find a spot for the concert. The staff made a circle around the boys that were in a circle around you and Yeonjun to try and prevent as much pictures and chatter from happening.

"You okay?" He leans down and whispers in your ear wrapping his arm around your shoulders from behind.

"Yeah are you?" You reply with a question leaning into him.

"Better than okay!" He whispers leaving a kiss on your cheek. You blush causing him to laugh.

You danced and sang and jumped and just had an amazing time with Yeonjun. It was nice that he knew you so well that his hand was holding yours on your waist or touching you in some way so you didn't get extra anxious around the crowd.

"I had a great night thank you for coming with me." You had just opened the door to your hotel room and Yeonjun was walking in behind you.

"I should be thanking you for inviting me." You turn to him and slide your hands from the middle of his torso to his side until they are at his back and you are hugging him.

Your ear on his chest could pick up each beat of his racing heartbeat making a smile appear on your face.

"I'm just glad you had a good time and could enjoy it despite your social anxiety and the amount of people with us." You look up at him resting your chin on his chest as his arms wrap around your body.

You don't reply. You just look at him admiring everything about him and this moment. You could feel his heart racing but could hear your heart racing in your chest as well.

"Yeonjun" you pull away just enough to where his arms are still around you but you could look at him better.

"Hm?" He hums as a reply. You contemplated asking him for a kiss but then your thoughts spiral down the wrong path and abort mission quickly.

"Never mind" you shake your head trying to pull out of his embrace completely.

Yeonjun stops you pulling you back into his body. His left hand cups your cheek as he guides your face up to look at him. You flutter your eyes from his eyes to his perfect nose and down to his lips. His eyes were focused in on your lips as he slowly leaned into you until your lips touched.

The first contact your lips made was cautious and exploratory, the second was testing the waters a bit more and a bit deeper, by the third time you pulled him closer allowing his tongue to slip past your lips and deepen the kiss.

Every unspoken secret emotion you felt for each other was being pushed back and forth between the two of you through your lips. Everything felt so good and it felt special in its own way.

Yeonjun pulls away first breathing hard and choppy as he slides his thumb over your cheekbone.

"I like you (y/n) I like you a lot" he whispers connecting your forehead with his.

"I like you too Yeonjun I like you a lot as well"

"I like you too Yeonjun I like you a lot as well"

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