She types away on her phone for a few seconds before locking it and giving her attention to me. "I have so much that I have to tell you, like how I got this interview—" She stops talking when she sees that I'm not smiling anymore and my arms are cross. "Uh uh. What's with all this sassy energy I'm getting from you?"

"I spent almost two hours at the fundraiser by myself while you was up here hanging out." I slid my eyes over to Ashley who's playing the basketball arcade game. "And you didn't think to tell me y'all was in here when you saw me earlier, Ashley?"

She doesn't take her eyes away from the basketball hoop. "I was looking for you to tell you after telling Geoffrey to bring your bags to the beach house, but then I couldn't find you so I assume you were in here already. And then when I realize you weren't I went back outside to find you, but you seen like you were really enjoying your conversation with Will."

"So you were really enjoying the conversation with Will?" Hilary questions, her voice comes off in a teasing manner and I can see the wheels already spinning in her head. "Will is our cousin from Philadelphia, he's going to be staying with us."

"Oh." I never met or heard about Will before, and I know that they have more family that I haven't met, but they have to be close enough to have him move in. "How come this the first time I've met him?"

Hilary shrugs. "It's kinda like outta sight, outta mind situation. He moved in with us to have a better education." Before I could ask anymore question the sound of the door opening has me turning around to see Carlton. "So, they're ready for the big speech?"

"A couple minutes." Carlton informs, he set his eyes on me. "It's nice to have you back, Halle. You look beautiful as ever."

Like Vivian, Phillip, and Hilary he possesses this beautiful dark chocolate complexion, full lips and small almond eyes. I'm a few more years he'll be the shortest Banks family member, I'm not saying Ashley going to get Hilary's height, but she's definitely be taller than Carlton. He often wears designer clothes, crisp blazers, and well-coordinated outfits — he always looks so neat and groomed, with a clean-cut look.

I use to love going shopping with him because I would always make him get brighter colors, bright colors like yellow, red, and orange looks amazing against his skin complexion. Even if it's not bright, colors like olive green or the the mauve suit Will's wearing, also looks good on him. But I haven't been shopping with him for a while now. Unlike the rest of his family who has confidence oozing off of them, he has this cockiness aura around him.

"Thanks." I could hear the dryness in my voice speaking with him, I move my eyes away from him to stare at nothing in particular — just rather look at anything else other than him.

"Okay, it's been way too long for y'all to still be acting like this towards each other." Hilary says. "When are y'all going to make up?"

"I would love to sit down and discuss how we can fix our relationship." Carlton says.

"There's nothing to fix." I tell him. "I have nothing to say to you."

And I meant it. I truly don't have anything to say to him, not a word, or even an eye roll — nothing. It's kinda like how Lisa doesn't like me but I can clear the whole situation up but I'm choosing not too, it's the same thing with Carlton. Carlton is the reason why our relationship is the way it is now and he can clear the whole situation up, but I'm choosing not to hear it. The very moment that led up to us not being close anymore told me everything that I needed to know about how he viewed our relationship.

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