Chapter Ten

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                      Since Phillip's campaign event at the skating rink, Will has been hyped up about his best friend, Tray, visiting for the weekend. He's been sharing stories about all the fun they caused in Philly, from the time they met until he moved to Bel-Air. He looks so happy recounting his Philly days, listing off things he wants Tray to see and experience while he's here.

"Ooh, bowling?" I guess, leaning against the table, trying to read his reaction. So far, he has a good poker face.

"Nope." Will smirks, dipping his fry into the ketchup.



I squint my eyes at him as I throw out, "dinner and a movie?"

"You're not going to guess."

I raise an eyebrow. "Stealing from the rich?"

"No—" He straightens up, a smile spreading across his lips as he leans forward. "Actually, that could be fun. But don't worry, I won't steal from you since I like you."

While Will has been talking about Tray all week long, I've been trying to guess what kind of date he has planned but he given me the slightly hint. I tried to see if Hilary knew what he could have possibly planned, I can definitely see him asking her about what kind of date I might like. Or Ashley, to try and bounce ideas off if Hilary decides to let him figure out himself, she'll probably let him suffer a little bit before giving in because she wouldn't want him to plan a bad first date.

He could have possibly went looking for help from Kennedy and Alanna, I wouldn't be able to crack Kennedy but Alanna would blurt it out before I even have to ask. I'll pick their brains this weekend while Will's hanging out with his friend, I'm going to let him enjoy his time with his friend and just keep my distance; I don't want to get in their way or get between them. I see him daily, I can spare a week.

"Lucky me." I laugh. "Besides attending Hilary's influencer event/dinner, what else do you have planned for Tray so far?"

"Uncle Phil is setting me up with some D Smoke concert tickets and backstage passes." Will tells me. "Tray is a huge fan, and I know he's going to lose his shit when he gets the chance to meet him face-to-face."

"Ooh, I love D Smoke." I tell him. "I was rooting for him on Rhythm and Flow, and then later found out that his brother was already in the music industry. The fact that he didn't ask him to put him on a song, and he wanted to blow up by himself. I respect that. Been a fan ever since."

"Well, you can come to the concert with us." Will suggest. "You'll get to meet him and tell him everything you just said yourself."

"I already did. Twice." One was a birthday gift for Chloe and the other was a Christmas gift for Trevor. "And he remember me from his last show, so that was cool."

"Wanna meet him for a third time?"

"I'm not coming to the concert with you and Tray." I tell him. "I don't want to be a third wheel or make him feel like he's a third wheel."

Will nods his head only to ask, "Can you come with me to pick him up tomorrow morning?"

"You just don't give up." I chuckle, gathering my trash up and setting it onto our joint tray. "I'm actually going to be helping Hilary with her event and help pack up her room."

"The way you're avoiding meeting Tray," Will starts, grabbing the our tray, "I can't wait to see how you're going to try and avoid meeting my mom."

At the sudden mention of meeting his mom one day, there's this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I can't shake. What if she doesn't like me? What if she thinks that I'm stuck up? I didn't have these feelings or thoughts when meeting Trevor's mother, mostly because I met her when I was just friends with him so when we started dating, I already met her and knew she liked me. I can hear Kennedy now, she's going to go on about not being a couple but have plans to meet his mom.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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