Chapter 18 - Does he love me?

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A few days passed by and nothing really changed as I have no idea what to do with Diego.

I mean... I've taken him everywhere that we have ever had something great together, but nothing worked on him.

Nothing at all and I'm starting to lose all my hope to even get him back fully...

- You can't give up yet! - snapped Ivana, my best friend when we met up in the nearby coffee - He's still your husband after all and you both know that you love each other!

- I might love him, but he doesn't! Atleast not right now...

- He does love you, Sel... Believe me...

- How do you know that?!

- Come on! No one can pretend that look he's giving you unless he has something more for you and not just "friendship".

- Ivana...

- Do not give up yet! This is all I'm asking you, okay?

- I won't... But I really don't know what to do... I've tried everything...

- Maybe... Maybe not... Don't force this too much... But also don't let it go that easily... Keep up with him and try not to leave him alone too much... You know what... Or who I mean exactly.

- I know, I know...

She meant about Victoria.

If she finds out that Diego has amnesia she'll do everything to try to get him.

----- TIME SKIP -----

And I was right.

From... I don't know where from, but she found out about Diego's problem and she was trying to hit on him at every moment that was possible the next few days, but surprisingly he always said no to her.

Maybe Ivana was right and he really does love me and this is why he always says no to her, but for real he still doesn't remember me fully...

How could I make him remember me?

I couldn't think about that too much as I had to work and after that Clari invited me to wedding dress shopping which was really nice of her.

I decided to help her as she helped me too before.

----- TIME SKIP -----

We have been looking around for 2 hours now when I suddenly noticed Diego looking around with Marco and both noticed me.

Luckily Clari was still in the changing room so they didn't see her so while Mechi, Tini and the other girls stayed there with Clari I went to the boys.

- Hey! What are you two doing here?! - I asked them.

- We just came to look around - Diego replied.

- Hoho! YOU can stay! But Marco needs to leave and you both know why!

- Can't I see my fiancee? - Marco groaned.

- You know why are we here! You can't see your fiancee in her wedding dress!

- Buddy... She's right - Diego said.

- Fine, fine! Shall we go somewhere else then?

- A coffee?

- Yeah, sure!

- Okay, good! Now go! - I snapped at them and Marco started to walk away while Diego came closer to me and kissed me on the cheek.

- See you later... Beautiful - he whispered then went after Marco.

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