Chapter 13 - Back to the routines

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We had 2 amazings weeks at the Bahamas, but then we came back home because we didn't want to leave the boys (Leon, Godzilla) alone for too long and soon after that we went back to work.

Victoria and Selvaggia's relationship has been really awful, but Selvaggia didn't seem too worried about it anymore which made me really happy.

I don't want her to be upset over something, or someone...

But she seems to trust me and doesn't get annoyed easily when she sees me with her talking, or when we're on set.

- Hey, beautiful... - I said as I sneaked behind Selvaggia and firmly wrapped both my arms around her.

- Ah, hey there... - she smiled - What's up? Did you miss me already?

I've only left her for around 10 minutes by the way.

- I always miss you when you're not around me... - I replied, kissing her on the cheek.

- You're too cute... - she smirked as she turned around to look into my eyes - You didn't miss me that much!

- You don't believe me?

- Nope. I don't!

The way she said it made me smile.

It was all so cheerful and happy.

- Well then... - I sighed while pulling her even closer - What can I do to prove you that I'm not lying?

- I don't know... This is what you have to find out yourself... - she said and by now our face were only inches away from each other.

- Gladly... But will you let me do what I'm planning to do?

- Maybe... Maybe not... It depends.

I decided to not to hesitate any more time and kissed her lovingly on the lips which she returned right away.

- Hmm... That was lovely - she said after we broke apart.

- Do you believe me now? - I asked while nuzzling into her neck.

- Okay, I believe you... For now - she replied cheekily - We're not finished yet!

- I was hoping for that!

She just winked then we went to continue working...

----- TIME SKIP -----

Selvaggia's POV:

Work was about to finish for today when Victoria came up to me, but I tried to stay calm.

- Selvaggia! - she called.

- Yes?

- Where have you two been? I mean you and Diego.

- We were on a vacation, if you're really that curious about it - I replied to her - Why?

- I was just asking - she said with a smile.

- And why are you smiling like that?

- No reason. But I really missed seeing Diego around.

- That's your problem.

- Indeed it's mine... But soon it'll be yours - she said and with that she walked away.

What the heck did she mean by that? That's not going to be my problem...

As I was thinking about that I suddenly felt two strong arms around me and a familiar voice saying:

- Hey, beautiful!

- Oh my! You scared me! - I gasped - Diego, I thought you were on set!

- I was, but I finished now - he laughed - How about you?

- You know I've finished with my last scene around 25 minutes ago - I laughed as I turned around to face him - Shall we go home?

- Sure!

And with that we headed home together...

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