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The afternoon sun bathes the Monastery in a warm golden glow, a light breeze blowing past the training ninja as they each decide to spend the remaining daylight in their own way.

Jay furiously twirls his nunchucks, his eyes narrowed as he flips them in ways only one could wish to learn.

Behind him was Cole, who slashes his scythe at the cardboard cutouts that spin on one of the training equipment, cutting the dummy in half before moving onto another just as quickly.

Towards the doors of the Monastery was Alyssa. The sound of her katana clashing slashing through the air surrounds her as she narrows her eyes in deep concentration.

Kai also trained solo. He was determined to get his Spinjitzu right, so with a call of 'Ninja, go!' he proceeds to circle the training compound, his fiery vortex flicking heat up to anyone that was just close enough to feel it.

Zane was off to the side, sitting calmly on the ground with his legs crossed as he quietly meditates before suddenly springing up into action. He flips in between Jay's space, almost getting hit after another swing from his nunchucks.

"Hey!" Jay shouts in surprise, the boy nearly having a heart attack at the close call of hitting his friend with his nunchucks. "What was that all about?" Jay frowns, confused.

Cole was the next person to get a shock from Zane, the white ninja taking his scythe with not a word uttered, slashing down the remaining dummies as Cole looks at his now empty hands, "Huh, what?" He blinks, lifting his head to watch Zane carelessly throw the now used weapon to the side.

"You too?" Jay crosses his arms, eyes following Cole as he grumbles to himself and picks up his scythe, dusting the weapon off as he shoots her a look.

"What's wrong with that guy?" He huffs, his eyes now following Zane as he goes to pester Alyssa, the girl unknowing of what was to come her way, "He's really on a role."

"Whoa!" Jade shrieks as she falls roughly on her back, barely missing the wooden training beam that shot out of the ground bellow her. She groans, one hand rubbing her now sore back while the other picks up one of her discarded sais.

Wooden training beams shoot out of the ground, and with her gaze set on Sensei Wu who had opened the paper sliding doors at some point, she had missed her chance to dodge the incoming beam. This caused the same beam to smack her right in the chin, the sound of wood against bone making everyone in the yard wince. "Fuck." She curses, wobbling back to rub the tender spot. "Ah, that's going to bruise."

One last person to trip up was Kai, who was literally about to trip as Zane flips off the training course to form his Spinjitzu midair. When he touches the ground, ice spreads across the floor, spreading and spreading until it finds itself underneath Kai, who slips and harshly slams his back against the solid ground.

Everyone comes to surround Kai, Alyssa helping the groaning boy up as he mutters a bitter 'thanks' to her, his deadly glare set on Zane's back. "This roof isn't big enough for the five of us."

"Correction: This roof isn't big enough for him." Cole nudges his head towards an oblivious Zane, the group staring at him in bewilderment as he continues to do his own thing, totally in his own little world.

"It's like he's in his own world." Jay cups his hands around his mouth, his voice projecting over the training yard, "I bet he can't even hear us!" With no reaction from Zane, the rest of the team grumble to each other as he continues his solo training, oblivious to the looks he was getting.

Noticing Sensei's silent steps approaching them, Kai glances at the old man with a frown, "Sensei, Zane's... weird." He wasn't sure what word to use, not wanting to be too harsh on their friend.

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